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jalli 13 watt pc for CPR fuge


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I have the CPR HOB 12 Fuge, and Im planning on adding the Jalli 13 watt. I have read that they get real HOT!!, someone even recommended using a micro chiller.


My question is:

will this lamp have a huge effect on my tanks temp? It is a 15gal, and temp with lights on it maintains a constant 77.F. I have been trying to avoid buying a chiller.



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nah, i had some problems with heating on my 2.5 when i used that light, you just have to find a way to have a good flow of air over and under the light. also, minimize contact between the tank and the light, that way, it'll transfer less heat.


no chiller needed


on a 15 gal, the most it'll change the temp would be about 1 degree, but that's stretching it, if you set it up correctly, you shouldn't have any problems.

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Nice....I actually just purchased the light....im not to far from custom aquatics, great prices.


I plan to prop it on a egg crate, I hope that works. I got a heater in the cpr too, hope that doesnt get affected


does anyone make a 13watt 10k?

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i think the 13watters are pretty much universal, i've never seen the 10k's myself, but, why wouldn't they exist?, i've seen one at my lfs on a hob refuge that had a 6500k, a good spectrum for plants...

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I hooked up my lights and just temporarily sat it directly ontop of the cpr for the night with the light off. I have a 75 watt ebo jager heater in the CPR and I think it is causing the water to evaporate and condense on the light, and that cant be good. Does anyone else have this problem? It was siting diretly on the fuge, would a eggcrate help, I really dont want to take out my heater.

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Because it is sitting directly on the fuge? Yes. Water evaporates from anywhere it touches air. No matter what temp it is. The flow in your fuge is fast enough to keep t drom getting hot compared to the display tank. Try putting the heater in the return side of the fuge, ( the small one at the end where the water goes back into the tank). good water flow there, any water heated will go into the tank. Make sure your suction cups are on good though, My ground probe suction cup fell off, plugged that return, and bam, the rio 200 was pumpin water over the top of my fuge, thank god I was sitting right there by the TV..... Phew, disaster averted.


P.P.S. I use the return for the fuge to mount my topoff switch, and put the hester on the other side, where the water comes in, but still moves fast.



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Screw it....I got the CPR stands, they look cleaner......

still cant believe the price... I'll let everyone know what I think of them...when I recieve them.

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wow the 13W light seems to kick out a lot of heat, I put my fan on it. I don't want a big sheet of egg crate, and I don't want to mail order anything (or drive up to OC sorry lovessalts). Anyone else try something with their fuge?

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Correction......the CPR stands are 12.00 not 14.50, I was notified today of the price change even after I ordered it.....thanks alot brian.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

got the stands.......still dont think the were worth it......but alot better then I could have done....


Ill post a pic of the stands if anyone wants to see

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That's a bummer that they don't fit right on the CPR's. I have 2 Ecosystem 40 hang-on fuges and they come with the light, and are designed to fit perfectly on the little square cutouts on the corners of the light fixture.


Honestly, I don't think it will affect you tank temp too much. Remember that the casing on the light is made of metal, and holds heat more than a wood or plastic casing. I've been running this light on two seperate tanks for a number of years with zero problems.


Personally, just go to HD or Lowes and buy a 13w plain old bulb. I've never noticed a difference between spectra, well, not a noticeable difference anyway.

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I agree kennerd, the ecosystem is a great setup with nice extras, and it doesnt require you to buy additional stuff. If I had the money I would have got the ecosyustem for sure.....And as for the arguement that the ecosystems downside is that the all your pods get chopped up by the powerhead, I dont believe this. whenever I feed my tank live full grown brine, IME I always find a bunch that have made their way through the rio and into the fuge. So I find it hard to believe that ALL pods get chopped on there way into the tank.



kennerd got any pics of your ecosystem.....I dont believe I have ever seen this setup in action.

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Here are a few pictures of the unit on my 10 gal. I Basically use it for filtration (opposed to growing pods for food) and liked the design to clean up the clutter inside the tank: only the outlet and the overflow box inside.


there is an additional powerhead in there.


Here's how it looks now: attachment.php?s=&postid=177770



And from July when I initially added the halide.






and a pic of the 12 gal with the canopy removed.

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I think I posted that it is an Ecosystem 40 Hang-on. In fact, I have one that I need to break down. If you're interested, let me know: local guy that wanted to buy it has been stringing me along. I've kept a 12 gal tank running for 2 1/2 months just to keep the miracle mud and sand in the tank alive. Would be the best X-mas present I could give my wife if I could break the damn thing down.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i just got my 18 inch cpr fuge today and the jalli 13 watt. If I put the light directly on the fuge, which seems to fit pretty well, are they any other concerns to worry about besides evaporation? Like the fuge melting?

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