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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New tank!


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Just wanted to share my new 15 gallon tank from my elementary classroom. The new 250W AquaSpaceLight Mini looks great. I converted my 2.5 gallon as a refugium cause it was way too small for me. They are so cute and all, but really hard to clean the glass. All the kids go crazy to see whats new in there, and the sideways overflow pvc gives the tanks a more panoramic view. This will be a zoo only tank. I've got them all at the sand now, but will soon be bringing them to the rockwork to multiply once I think they are alright with the light.

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First I'm sorry to say that I had to buy all that stuff :( but at least I don't have to pay for the electricity! I'm the art teacher K-5 so I think alot of creative energy comes from the tank and blinding lights. I'm just getting sick of everybody asking where are the fish? I'm not going to be around x-mas and spring break to feed fish I tell them. Plus the system is pretty small.


I got the 250w just incase I opt to use it later for my home 40g breeder. I also got a great deal on it $325.

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I just lowered it today about 5 inches. Now it sits about 15 inches from the surface. The tank is 12 deep.


Well I've got 12 types of zoos in there and 1 pink/green yuma, but now that I've got a nice light (I'm used to pc) I'd like to try some sps and clams. I've only kept LPS and softies so far.

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I hope I'm doing more for art education than pasta-wear. :)


I actually did an aquarium painting with my kindergarten classes. They had to design thier own reef tank! We discussed LR and sand, heaters, lighting, powerheads, coral, fish, inverts. Pretty good time!

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Awesome, I plan on setting up something like that when I have my own classroom (currently student teaching)


Did you run the tnak by anyone before setting it up, or did you just bring it in and hope it was kosher?

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I talked to the principal about it. I think there might be a no pets policy, but she didn't mention anything. The different grades have different animals for science (crayfish, snails, guppies) My biggest problem was the light. I asked about the pendant, she said someone else had some hanging lights and the fire inspectors didn't mind. But I wasn't going to hang a 25lb aquaspacelight from the drop ceiling grid, so I had to go up in the ceiling and cross a steel pipe across the rafters to hang it from. I poked some holes in the tile for the cable, and it looks great. I still haven't shown the boss the finished lighting yet... we'll see.


I'd say it depends on your principal. Everybody loves it though, teachers and especially students. All this Nemo stuff gives them a better grasp of the reef concept, but some still don't know about the fresh/salt water differences.

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