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Seahorse nursery


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OK so, my little ho bag male may be knocked up >.< and if he isn't already pregger's he is workin really hard on it so I figure now is the time to set up a nursery type tank. I'm inclined toward bare bottom but I'm a little wary about it. I like the extra stabilization substrate provides but is it gunna be a booger to clean....


Anywho, cutting to point. Macro's, I know I needs them but which one's and in what quantity I have no idea. Should the thing be planted all the way or like on big chaeto clump of WTF. I haven't the foggiest clue, HEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPP lol.


I don't have tank size or anything worked out yet (my current plan is a "not big" tank, how's that for being well prepared?) as I wanted to check with the invert/macro gawd first :)


Even if it's not set up by the time he squirts fry out, he is a little 'ho all rubbin up on the ladies and such, so he is gunna get knocked up AGAIN I just know it >.<

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have a friend in town so i haven't gotten around to telling you how to catch your own food yet, but for the seashorse just about any macro will do really. caulerpa and halimeda are probably the most natural for erectus horses. a lot of the breeders just use fake plants and bare bottom though, easier for them to keep.

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have a friend in town so i haven't gotten around to telling you how to catch your own food yet,


You can catch your own food?



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Pump failure the other night cost me my ponies :( :( Aquapod stock pump POS from hell :slap:


More to the point, erectus fry can hitch from birth so a kreisel isn't neccesary but, I still totally think its the best way. Thanks D3monic.


Going to try H. Kellogi this time but my supplier is sorta has sucky livestock. They are CB though so uhm fingerscrossed for me.

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yeah that does suck....i have to remember to call you, (what is a good time this weekend? after dark is best for me to call...), and I will explain how to catch their natural prey. I have had pump failures before...it sucks...just get back on the horse...

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