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Really That Simple?


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I'm new to the hobby and new to the site. I am very interested in getting into nano reefing thanks to you guys though! I'm just amazed at how "simple" some of you guys make this sound. Is it really as easy as getting a tank, the right amount of live rock and live sand, and a good light (Coralife CF or CSL) and you're in business (provided you check your water reguarly)? I have always thought for saltwater tanks you need lots of equipment, especially as big a tank as you can afford. Any thoughts?

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My first suggestion to you is to not post the same question in multiple forums. Not a good idea.


No, this is really not an easy hobby. It takes alot of time, patience and money in order to succeed.


Here's a link to the articles that you'll need to read in order to fully understand how to go about getting started.




Read through them, absorb them, then read through them some more.

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The hobby gets easy after the first 9months to a year. Things went very easy for my first year because I had been reading and studing on and off for 2 or three years, than made the chocie to get one 7.5 months before I actually set it up. I spent that 7 months reasearching. The key: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, AND MORE RESEARCH.

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Read everything you can get your hands on! Aquarium Corals by Eric Borneman is one of my faves, The New Marine Aquarium by Mike Paletta is another good one.


I think that you would be more likely to succeed in this hobby if you start with a larger nano (20-30 gallons).


Make sure to you the search feature on the site!

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Originally posted by maroonclown

The hobby gets easy after the first 9months to a year.

Don't believe him. He lies. It never gets easy. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, a big bristleworm comes along and eats your dead $10 emerald crab that you've only had for 8 days.

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