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Coral Vue Hydros

Is there any problems associated with high alkalinity?


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Hi all....

I finally got my Calcium and Kh kits yesterday and did a test..

here's my results along with the other usual stuff


Ammonia - 0.1 ppm

Nitrite - 0.1 ppm

Nitrate - about 10 ppm

PH - 8.1

Alk - 14 dKh

Calcium - 400

Mg - ?? haven't bought a kit for that yet...was a lil expensive.


My Tank has been running for exactly 4 weeks now and so far i've only added in the clean up crew of 3 trochus and 2 skunk cleaners. No water changes has been done yet...and i'm wondering when's a good time to do one?


i have basically two questions...one related to the Alk level. i've learnt that the idea levels should be between 8-12...what are the effects of having my Alk levels so high? was a bit surprised that it got up to 14 dkh seeing that i've not done anything to tank since it started....would like some input on if this could be seen as a positive thing or a negative...and if it's the latter, what solutions can i look into?


second question, when do i do a water change? from what i understand, we do water changes to replenish certain lost nutrients/elements in the water etc....but seeing that all my levels are good, would the WC still be necessary? Is it safe to add fish to the tank now? when's a good time for corals?....i'm in no hurry....just wanted to double check before anything else goes in there. Oh and the snails and shrimps are doing just fine in the tank...they've been in for almost a week and no problems there (keepin fingers crossed)


Thanx again....

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14dkh won't cause any problems. Don't buy a Mg test kit; it's expensive, and pointless.

Water changes are a huge debate. Some people have never changed it, others change about a half gallon a day. It depends on how many animals you keep, how much you feed, and if you use a skimmer or a refugium. Just change about 2 gallons every week or two. Large, monthly water changes are very stressful on you and the animals; small weekly water changes are easier, and less stressful. That would really help.

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high alk can be masking other buffers besides carbonates. usually there isn't an issue but if it starts climbing without pH following there may be a influx of other buffers (e.g. sulfates, borates, etc.), usually from source water unless you dose something unusual.


a Mg test could be useful if you're having Ca issues or plan on stonys. Mg's relationship to Ca and SW in general is actually very vital. algae growers (export) also might want to watch Mg as it can be exported in plants. i'm not a tester so i can't wholeheartedly endorse a test kit but it can't hurt imo. hth

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Thanx guys....i'll be sure to check on the Alk level again later tonite to see if it's climbing or just stable. All other levels seem to be stable over the past few days.


Sorry but i might have forgotten one more question, is my cycle complete? As for the water changes suggestion Maroon.....i'm aware of the weekly water changes and the issues with how often to change etc....my question was whether or not a water change is necessary at this point in time...my tanks been up for a month and i think the cycle is complete....but all my parameters seem fine (as in Nitrites are below 10ppm, and nitrites and ammonia is nearly undetectable 0.1ppm)....is it still necessary to do a WC if i'm planning on adding fishes? When is a good time to do a WC....do we just stick to the weekly routine of doing this even if my water parameters are fine? Maybe there are other trace elements that are being replaced that i'm not aware of...and if that is the case....would anyone mind clearing this up for me?


And so you know tiny....i'm not ruling out an Mg test kit...it's just that i fail to see the need for it at this point in time seeing that the tank is still in the cycling down stage or in midst of completing it's cycle....was merely trying to see if it was in fact important for me to monitor my Mg levels at this point. I am aware that the macros i plan to have in my fuge will have an affect on the ca and Mg levels which leads me to my next question....when's a good time to start adding the macros? rite now as it stands, my fuge is filled with about 4 inches of sand and a couple pounds of LR.


Thanx again for all the useful info guys....keep it coming...this site is great ;)

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Yes to everything Tiny said.


Tiny I test for Mg but after 6 tests in a row reading almost identical, I feel safe to not test currently, although with the new Digi additions, I will have it in case I see Ca probs, or if I get a new box of Salt Mix.


Yes to the water changes (anecdotal jibberish following), I have 2 tanks, one I have always changes 1 gallon a week. I started another and wanted to try much less, 1 gallon a month or so. :ermm: can you say algae farm. I believe in the export of nutrients thru WC's. Besides, It is easy. and the water is clearer(end anecdotal jibberish).


Also, on the macro, why not go for something that doesn't much your Ca so much like Chaetomorpha.

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Hey birdman...thanx for chippin in on the info.....but with regards to the nutrient exports through water changes...wouldn't the macros be responsible for that in the future? as far as chaetomorpha is concerned...that was my intended macro for my fuge but i haven't been able to find any....most of the LFS i've been too hardly have calurpa...let alone chaetomorpha.....


looks like i'll hold out on the Mg kit till i find problems associated with Ca....thanx for the useful hint....


when's a good time to add the macros? ???


i believe i should be good for fish now? :)

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i'd wait on the macros until your cycle's complete. nitrite and ammonia should read a solid zero. nitrates should be :P ) whichever works for you. hth

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Southpaw, my alk has gotten up to 17dkh and the only casualty was my gsp. I found that my source water was too high and I only needed to dose w/ B-ionic every 5 days. I agree with Tinyreef whole-heartedly on everything, he must be a genius or something.

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I rcvd my Macro on Ebay, pretty cheap. Reef_source I believev is the sellers name.

The nutrient export would then be done thru the harvesting of the overgrowth of the macro, but I still perform water changes as there are Numerous trace elemts that are not being replaced quickly enough if you have high system demands.


Yes reading is fundamental. And yes chaeto is great for housing all types of pods as well as other mini organisms. It's like a Mini-Metropolis in there, soooo many creatures in one place). I do have feather in there as well, but the chaeto seems to be doing much better. Any thoughts on that Tiny?

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Wow....more reading material ;) I'd agree with ya'll on the reading...it's done alot of good thus far....but what i've also found is that reading helps to a certain point....until that point...a lil experience from the hands on perspective and not to mention learning from other people's mistakes takes over. The whole process of getting this tank started up has been an invaluable experience to say the least....and the help that i've gotten from the boards have made the journey a lot less stressful :P


As for the purchase of Chaeto.....a slight problem there....online purchases are not available to me....i don't think they'd send it all the way to malaysia...and even if they did.....i'm doubtful of the survival rate :P it looks like i'll probably have to settle for whatever i can get my hands on.....but i'll keep my levels monitored to see when's a good time to add them....


only problem or concern i have now is that my ammonia and nitrite levels have remained where they are for the past week (even my nitrates). As in, i've tested every couple of days and there is always a very slight trace of ammonia in my water...and i'm not too sure what's up....i've tested my source water and have found no traces of all three elements there so i don't know where and why it's still present in the tank...shouldn't the bacteria have populated to the point of handling this?


Anyways....as an FYI....i've updated my thread with new pics of the current tank setup if anyone's interested :blush: Added more live rock about 3 weeks back and also 3 trochus and a pair of skunk cleaners a week back....enjoy... :)



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