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Innovative Marine Aquariums

skilter 250


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tell me yalls opinion on the skilter. I have heard good and bad but not from anybody really running a nano-reef. I guess if you have a big tank a skilter would suck but what do yall think. Its for a 10g. I know i know everybody says use a prizm but the skilter is cheaper and the little woman wont gimme any money hehehehe.

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i just got one, it's pitiful next to my prizm. but i'm having some trouble with two of my prizm's motors for some reason (i got 3 prizms). this is the second time both have crapped out at the SAME time!


don't get me wrong, the prizm's a ferrari next to the skilter but like you said we have, um, budgetary constraints. ;)

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Alright, not afraid to admit it... I have a Skilter, hehe


As a HOB filter goes they are mostly decent, as a skimmer, well they mostly SUCK! This is in their natural state, unaltered I should say.... Nooooooow, if you wanna snake an airline down into the skimmer tube, put on a limewood airstone and hook this up to an airpump with a adjustable valve I think they work pretty damn good. 'Course ya could just by a deep bodied HOB and place a separate air driven skimmer in it and have the same thing.


My skilter has seen all kinds of action since I first bought it over ten years ago (wait, I guess we could add durable to the lists of pros now that I think of it, hehe) I have my Skilter currently running on a new 5.5 I set up recently, however I just finished building a 'fuge for this tank and the Skilter is due to be retired ONE more time.... I think maybe permanently this time. Hmmm, I still have the original box and instructions and everything... anybody wanna throw up a trade or sumpin?

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