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Prism Skimmer losing prime


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Anyone with experience on the prism skimmer losing its prime and drying up?


DOes the angle (forward or back) have anything to do with it. Also, I'm having a hard time adjusting the flow so it doesn't fill in 20 minutes / not do any skimming..



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i've never had that problem

is the intake calcified?

you should run the water level just below the O-ring.

how long have you had it?

when does it not skim anything?

the collection cup and skimmer throat should be cleaned regularly for optimal performance....

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Well, here is the thing..


First of all the filter is only a few months old. I keep it pretty clean.


You (and the instructions) say keep the water column up around the O-ring.. If I do that the air bubbles in the system are terrible plus it makes very wet foam and fills up in a few minutes. I'd say my water level is a good 1/2 to 3/4 inch below the O-ring..


What's this about running vinigar through it?

How? WHy?

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what addititves do you have in your water?


it sounds like there is increased surface tension.


what is your salinity?


where did your water come from?


i think the problem is the water...not the skimmer

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Well, good question.


water source = RO/DI

addatives = lowest recommended amount of kalkwasser and lowest amount of kent RO/DI addative. I use instant ocean salt.


Also I ad a small amount of Reef nutriesnts (an all in one)

and PH 8.3 buffer (low amount). That's about it.


Oh, occasionally some stresscote.

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stop the stresscoat for a while.

i'm not sure about the buffer...someone else will have to chime in.


what about water changes?


do you add stresscoat then too?


i dunno how to remove the stresscoat.


you may have to let it skim alot for a while till it calms down..

should reach an equilibrium eventually.


salinity isn't causing probs at 1.022.


run the water level low and slow for a couple weeks, cleaning the throat and collection cup inlet every few days.


that's what i'd try.

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DrDrew is right about the stresscoat. Stop using it. It really does make skimmers go bananas. That's why you're getting all the wet foam. Your skimmer is removing the stresscoat. Just let it skim until it removes it all. My guess is that because the stresscoat is creating so much foam air bubbles are backing up & breaking the siphon. Look behing the little black adjustment know on the inlet tube. If you see air bubbles collecting in there that could be the cause. It's happened to my Prizm a couple of times. Just pinch the air tube between your fingers and the bubbles shoud purge themselves.

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I had the problem. The problem stopped when I quit using stresscoat. The only time it breaks siphon is when I either bump into it or one of the fish does. I also found adding a bag of media (such as carbon), makes some back pressure that might reduce this problem, but I have no proof of this. Are you lights close to the intake tube? If it is, algae could be growing in the tube. Algae release air bubbles, which could break siphon. Are you running it too fast or slow? Too fast of a flow produces the wet foam, to slow doesn't produce enough foam. Too slow would also give bubbles a chance to break siphon. Just my input, but I hope it helps.

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