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Cultivated Reef

Shrimp ID


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I caught this shrimp today crawling on my sand bed while feeding my fish and coral.


It looks like a pistol shrimp because of the one large claw, but I wanted to confirm this.



If it is a pistol shrimp should I remove it or let it be? I have a CUC and various LPS and zoas and I do not want to endanger any of those.



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I caught this shrimp today crawling on my sand bed while feeding my fish and coral.


It looks like a pistol shrimp because of the one large claw, but I wanted to confirm this.



If it is a pistol shrimp should I remove it or let it be? I have a CUC and various LPS and zoas and I do not want to endanger any of those.




I believe its a pistol shrimp. They are beneficial as they will churn up the sand bed. It shouldn't bug your corals. I have one in my tank and its never bugged any of my coral.

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this is anecdotal evidence at best but a few days after i introduced my pistol my peppermint dissapeared

not all pistols pair up with gobies

and even ones that do only pair up with certian gobies.

i cant have any coral around the burrow as i recently discovered because they will get covered in sand

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Posted this on your picture of it in the gallrey, but w/e, its Zebra Pistol Shrimp, one of the species that dont pair with gobies. Mine got to about 5 inches long and killed 2 clown gobies, a hi-fin red banded goby, and 2 yellow watchmen gobies before I gave him to my LFS. Ya, I dont learn from my mistakes as you can see.

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This guy is only 1/2" long so I dont think he can cause too much trouble....yet.


I already put him back in the tank and haven't seen him since.


Now I am not so sure that was a good idea...

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This guy is only 1/2" long so I dont think he can cause too much trouble....yet.


I already put him back in the tank and haven't seen him since.


Now I am not so sure that was a good idea...


Hopefully you have more luck with this species than me then.

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