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Algae ID - Mermaid's shot glass?

Deleted User 6

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Deleted User 6



The shot glasses you gave me didn't make after shipping. I left the rock in there and now this is growing our of one of the shot glasses stems. Did one of them make it?





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yep, it is growing the cap back. the caps usually dont do well in shipping but the important part of the plant is the very microscopic portion that attaches to the rock. it will grow new plants, just the way that algae is.


lots of pods in your tank by the way

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Deleted User 6

Those are either pods or micro bubbles - I can't tell. But yes, I have a lot of pods (both cope and amphi). I'm really thinking about getting a six-line to cull the population a bit to be honest. Though the amphipods do a good job eating the food that gets away from the nem when I feed it.


That's great about the shotglass! I thought for sure they were goners. The tall shaving brush bit the dust :( The shorter one (mermaid's brush?) is doing fine and showing a new growth at the sandbed level.


In other news, I have some dictyola that is growing everywhere! It has the translucent blue stem tips. I'm afraid of it taking over - is there anything known to eat it or am I just going to have to keep pulling it out manually?

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some decorators will that arent reef safe. emeralds do, but to a lesser extent. i got one decorator that woul clear a tank in a day, (a nano in an hour), but after that he will bother corals anemones etc...

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