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Any ideas on whats going on mith my starfish?


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I have got a red starfish, but he seems to be "rotting" on all but his one leg, he's still very much alive and moves and the rest, just wondering if anyone else has seen this before or if they know what might be wrong? Thanks

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I have had this happen to my starfish aswell, it is not adjusting to your water, and is starting to die, hopefully it will pull through and adjust, it can survive and regrow with just the tiniest nub in tact so don't give up on it yet.

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Yep, it is rotting.


Starfish, particularly linkia and fromia, are prone to this degeneration. Regardless of what instructions came with the the star, or recommendations came from the LFS, these stars must be acclimated slowly and over a very gentle and long period of time (4-6 hours or so).


They are also very sensitive to instabilities in salinity and alkalinity. Please red up more if you decide to buy one and leave the linkias in the ocean, too.

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