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Coral Vue Hydros

When am I not a beginner anymore?


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brahm, anyone can talk to their fish. It's when they can talk back and you understand them that you are no longer a beginner.


Either that or you are officially crazy.

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Originally posted by Crakeur

brahm, anyone can talk to their fish.  It's when they can talk back and you understand them that you are no longer a beginner.


Either that or you are officially crazy.


when your tring to sleep and you can hear them saying feed me don't go to sleep you bumb feed me




can you get this a-hole out here he taking up to much room :)


thats when ;)

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4 indiciations:


1. When you no longer need to salt your food, since your fingers taste like salt all the time.


2. When you realize that you a. don't know everything, b. realize you'll never know everything, c. still ask questions, but know you've gone through all the logical steps in your own head and through the boards, but post like you've got something in that melon between your ears.


3. When you learn the proper use of the word "board" vs "bored".


4. Your skin has become thicker than your head used to be when you started.



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Originally posted by Iphantom

I have had my nano reef for almost a year now-(next month)

and I am curious when i'm not a beginner anymore

-just curoious-and board



When you finally drop C-Diddy some bank for allowing you to take up space and bandwidth with statements such as the one you just made.


For your convenience: PayPal $5.00 to chris@nano-reef.com to become a JCT prospect.

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What is with you people??

I have not been contacted by Chris about the length of my sig

so I see no problem-anyways I am going to make a nice short one-thats a pic instead of all that text soon

I remember when this forum was people helping people and not all about snide remarks and making fun of typing errors-

I just asked a question

alot of you guys have helped me in the past but lately alot of you have been really snotty

I don't get it

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Iphantom- You're asking a question only you can answer. What does it take to have a thriving SPS colony? What do clams need to be succesful in the aquarium? Why can't I keep goniopora? I know people that have had tanks for years and they are still idiots. Not sure what you're looking for but if you want me to, I'll say " Iphantom's no longer a beginner, because he's been around a year!"




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Hey, we're only having fun, yo.


OK, do the thick skin hasn't grown yet, but seriously, when YOU are comfortable with what's going on in your tank and your conscience tells you so, you've arrived.....


Also, when the Nano-jerks poke a little fun @ you, take a bow, we're listening.


Can you hear me now?




Haven't searched, but do you have any pics of the tank up yet?

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hmm, how bout..


When answer more questions then you ask.


When you call bull###### on your LFS


When you have more things currently living in your tank then have died.


When you can do a water change and still have time to watch the simpsons and play a couple rounds of Counter-strike before bed.


When you find your self needing to frag more then you find yourself needing to stock.


ummmmmm When you somebody says who's the master you know to say.. SHO-NUF!!!!!

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ok- I get ya-its hard to tell with this crazy Internet thing if your joking or not-plus things have been kinda rough lately



-I don't have any pics up of tank on nano reef cause I don't know how to do that I have posted some in a yahoo photos case but its a huge pain in the ass to link from there plus yahoo servers are unavailable alot

I'm gonna work on my sig tonight-but I was wondering if nano reef allows for HTML in them


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