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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Neon tetra of the sea?


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Are there any saltwater fish that are about tetra-sized with around the same temperment and schooling behavior? Just wondering.. A shoal of small colorful fish swimming through the reef would look really nice =] the smallest ones I could find were damsels, and apparentley theyre all evil...which reminds me, are all damsels extremely aggressive? I noticed a new species at the fish store the otherday that were neat looking called domino damsels, are they as territorial as the blue ones? Thanks for any advice =]

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Chromis don't school eventually they will pick at each other till there are few. Damsel are territorial and can get mean.


Apogon parvulus "Redspot Cardinal fish" close to a tetra :D

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the saltwater catfish will school when they are small but according to what i read they loose the behavior when they are adults. i always thought that would be a nice setup. ohh and their spines are poisonous tho i believe so quite a downside there.

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Saltwater catfish are a bad idea.



Nano tanks are not helpful for schooling/shoaling fish. Chromis are notable for not doing well in small groups, at least in nanos.


You could keep nano gobies, like Trimmas or Eviotas, in groups; most species won't be as active in the water column as tetras, but many will stay out in the open.

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Deleted User 6
You could keep nano gobies, like Trimmas or Eviotas, in groups; most species won't be as active in the water column as tetras, but many will stay out in the open.


I came here to say this. It's what I'll be doing shortly. There are some really pretty small gobies.

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Saltwater catfish are a bad idea.


yea i agree they are bad to keep i just wanted to point out the behavior.


i also do like schooling fish tanks. i guess that's why i still keep a 75 gal planted fw with neon tetras :D



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Chromis don't school eventually they will pick at each other till there are few. Damsel are territorial and can get mean.


Apogon parvulus "Redspot Cardinal fish" close to a tetra :D

+1 Started with 4, ended up with 1, he was a mean bastard.

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I kind of thought of neon gobies as being the neon tetras of the sea. Although I don't think they are schooling fish, but a mated pair swimming together looks nice.

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SIZE. what you need with chromis is a large aquarium (preferable 75gallons or larger) i actually kept them in a 46g bowfront but you know it all depends upon the group you get. currently i have 2 green chromis which are exhibiting clownfish like sexual behavior in which on is much larger than the other.

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Unfortunately there is no analog to the neon tetra that is both easy to care for and will fit in our tanks. See Mayeda's thread on his 100 gallon dream tank for examples.

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Thanks for all of the replies! I propbably won't be able to keep a school of chromis happy as I'm not allowed to have a very large tank. I currently have a 20 gallon long tank w/ freshwater fish that I may convert to a saltwater tank, if not then (hopefully) I will get a 30 gallon tank.

I like the goby idea though, they are all cute little fish. Are all nano gobies peaceful towards each other? The clown gobies are very neat, a few different colored ones would be really nice, so are the watchman and high fin-banded gobies. I really like those little trimma and eviotes too, thanks for the suggestion.

I did find one fish that seems like it might be happy in a small group of three or so, orange lined cardinal fish. Anyone owned these fish before? I found them on the live aquaria website...

One more question, I have a bumble bee goby in my freshwater tank. I've read that these fish would probably do better in brackish water. Would I be able to get it acclimated to a saltwater tank?

Thanks for all of suggestions!

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Here's your saltwater tetra. My six are always in a tight school, every so often one will strike out on its own for something but returns in less than a minute. Midwater swimmers. They are super tiny, so make sure they are not someones lunch.





Thanks very much! those are so neat! As soon as I get everything set up I'm going to ask a local lfs if they can order some for me. Thanks again =]

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Ah those are some neat looking fish.


I've seen schools of black mollies being kept in straight SW before, not sure how they'd fare in a reef tank though.

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I'm really interested in learning more about the mini dart gobies, but the internet seems bereft of any information on them except a couple of vendors with pictures. Anyone know where I can find out more about them?

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