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I need your advice on 10g nano setup


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I just setup up my first 10 gallon salt water aquarium today @ http://www.lachusma.com . I just poured some dolomite gravel & filled up the tank with salt mix. I also purchased the tetratec pf150 filter (I'll purchase the heater in a week or 2)meanwhile I'm using my old heater. I noticed the filter is pretty loud? or maybe I need to add more water. I followed the tetratec filter instructionsand I think it's setup right. Are the underwater pumps quiter? Is there such a thing as a underwater pump driving a filter? I'm hoping to have a sexy butsimple aquarium like yours. Any advice would be appreciated?


Another question, I might upgrade to a 20 gallon tank in 9 mos, which lighting would not be overkill for the 10 gallon but can be possibly used on a 20 gallon? I don't have big bucks, but I prefer to purchase the right product even if I have to wait a week or 2. I won't be putting any live rock until I purchase the correct lighting. I will hopefully put 1 clown fish once the water is stable.



Gilbert Gomez


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IMO, you should remove the dolomite gravel, it's not really suited too well for salt tanks, athough it can be used in brackish and fresh. You may want to consider replacing with live sand or some Southdown seeded with live sand. And keep in mind that once you do get the live rock in there it will also seed the sandbed.


You're going to want to add a couple of powerheads, maybe micro-jets or maxi-jets, depending on the size you want, one in either corner of the tank.


If you're not happy with that tetra tech HOB filter, you can switch to an Aqua Clear 300. Nice quiet filters.


As far as lighting goes, there are so many choices out there. The first one that comes to mind is a 96 watt powerquad. Head over to www.hellolights.com and cruise through their lighting selection.

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Hmm, interesting, the petshop dude told me dolomite was the best thing for salt water fish. Since I already put it, should I just add some live gravel on top?

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