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Is my BC14 done cycling?


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Hi all,


I started my BC14 on Aug. 7th and for the past 5 days my water parameter has been:


Using API saltwater master test kit and refractometer

Salinity: 1.025

pH: 8.2

Ammonia (NH3/NH4): 0 ppm

Nitrite (NO2): 0 ppm

Nitrate (NO3): 10 ppm


3 weeks ago, I started out with pH:8.2, NH3/NH4: 0, NO2: 0, NO3: 0

2 weeks ago, I noticed pH level has raised to 8.4 and ammonia level has raised to .50ppm

about 1 week ago, the pH level stayed in 8.4, ammonia level went down to .25ppm, nitrite was 0ppm and nitrate went to 10


I didn't experience any foul odor from the fish tank like others have mentioned, all i see now is brown stuff growing all over the rocks and on certain parts of the sand bed. The only problem I have been dealing with is temperature, my house gets pretty hot and the water temp has been swinging from 82 -86 degrees when I don't have the AC on.


I have been using RO/DI water since day one, used 14 lbs of live rock and about 7 lbs of live sand from ocean direct. I change my filter floss every 2 -3 days when they get dirty.


Is my tank done cycling?! I have a feeling that is too good to be true in such short period of time. Please help!



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The brown stuff all over is most likely diatoms and is part of every new tanks cycle, depending on if your LR was already cured and you sand was live, it's very possible that your cycle is about complete, it only being a 14 gallon tank, but you still don't want to jump the gun as your tank is still new and you could still upset the chemistry, if it where me I still wait another 1-2 weeks before a WC and adding a fish, but you should be okay with starting a CUC.

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yes, i'm using cured rocks...i guess i'll stay put for another weeek before a water change (30%??) and then add some clean up crew. Thanks again!

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