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Big mistake


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Just FYI-


About 3 weeks ago I got satisfaction out of blasting my single aiptasia with a syringe of boiling water.  Now, I have DOZENS of the darn things everywhere.  I don't know if they would be there had I not nuked the original or not, but I'm thinking what I did was not the smartest thing.  


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Guest AbSoluTc

Pepermint shrimp, will not always eat aptasia.  I have been through 4 of them.  Never even looked at the darn things.  Best thing is to razor blade them off the rocks.  Don't ask me how, just do it :)


It removes them tottaly and never a problem.

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Don't they return if any part of them remains after you try to remove them?


and Absolutc, your avatar is SO distracting!!!  I mean that as in a kidding way, not that I am offended!  I'm trying to read your posts, and all I see is THAT.


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I've heard that the peppermint shrimp with a rectangle pattern on their back/midsection are the ones that truly eat aptasia. I've seen these ones in tank with all the others, so look hard. Well its just what I heard. Might as well try sence you're probaby going to get the shrimp anyway.

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I Use Boiling Vinagar and they don't seem to come back, funny about the razorblading them off thing everytime I get an Aptaisia they are nestled nicely into a hole as soon as I get near they zip inside. I use a syringe and squirt the stuff into the "mouth" and around the base then I suck the shreads back out with the syringe. I only do that for the big ones as my peppermint eats the little ones when they sprout up.



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