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Can you keep box fish in a nano tank?
never mind I didn't know they're poisonous

still can, they're not venomous like a lionfish or stonefish. but they do grow very large (12"+) so have a larger tank or option available after a couple of years. they have tremendous appettites and are true omnivores. you also have to take into account their prodigious fecal ability (i.e. they poop like muthas!). :x


they also tend to nip/eat everything you don't want them to but they're not really aggressive with other fish. but then again with a name like 'cowfish' who would/could be? X) (ooo, the cowfish is after me. :P )


be careful as they can jump tho. they're also are very personable and intelligent. definitely a showstopper as everyone will stop and gaze at it, which is especially entertaining since the cow will just gaze right back, unlike other typically skittish fish. (buncha wussies)

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keeping any box fish in a nano or any tank smaller that at least a 75gal is plain cruel! those fish need a lot of room to swim. and if you keep them in such a small aquarium, they may stress and release toxin.

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I've had a Boxfish in my 29 he/she was my first fish.. They start off very small but be aware from the very start I knew I would have to upgrade my tank to a larger size to accomadate this fish. They only release toxins if they feel they are being swallowed, from what I've read, the way it works is.. If they feel they are being eating by a larger fish they basically spit out the nasties smelling/tasting stuff (which is also toxic) which force the fish to eject them. This works great in the wild where millions of gallons of water will dillute the toxin, in the tank though they will kill every other fish including them selves so if you are going to get a box fish make SURE they are the king of the tank.

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oh and my box fish is the coolest fish to watch swim, it can't move very fast and swims more like a hover craft then a regular fish i don't know how those little fins support the thing.

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