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Cultivated Reef

Is my tank a recipie for disaster?


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I’m concerned about my 29 gal that I plan on converting to a nano. Yesterday I was touching the seams of the tank and realized that the glass doesn’t line up properly, and in fact I can feel the sealant in the gaps. Am I heading for a certain flood?

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where'd you get it and who made it?


put it in the tub, fill with water and see what happens is best.


the sealant is not solid so you might just be feeling the flex of the sealant.

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IMO - Better to error on the side of safety, if it were me I would spring for a new tank... it is the foundation for your whole system. It sucks to have to clean salt water from the floor or carpet, not to mention all the little critters.

That's not to say it will fail but that tank will be up for how long... 1, 2, 10 years???


On the other hand, it mite work just fine :)

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I’m not totally sure on the brand; I believe it is Top Fin, Petsmart’s brand which is where I got it. The tank is currently set up as a freshwater, and it has been running for about 5 months now with no leaking problems… yet. I purposely haven’t put any copper or other chemicals in the water because I knew I might want to convert it.

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No glass tank has planes that line up perfectly. I don't think it really matters if you put copper treatments in your freshwater setup as a conversion would require you to clean out the tank anyway. So...if you're even 2% unsure, spend the 50 bucks and get a new tank. Better than coming home to a grand of corals on your floor.

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Any copper your system has been exposed to will cause a problem, even if it was FW. The Top Fin tanks are made by Perfecto mfg., a subsidiary of Marineland. I got my 20 from PetSmart, and I haven't had a problem with it yet. If you are concerned about leaks, you should buy some aquarium silicone and go around the seams as a little insurance. HTH

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