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Innovative Marine Aquariums

10 gal. reef(for frogfish)


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Hello my name is Evan. I'm new to saltwater but not freshwater. I was reading an article in aquarium fish magizine that said a frogfish could go in a 10 gal. tank. Is this true? How much live rock do I need? What salinity and specfic gravity? Thanks Evan.

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ok it is true that a frogfish could go in a 10 gallon. many people do it....use like 10-15 pounds of rock..however asking questions like what salinity and specific gravity should not be things that are asked. do some research dont expect to have answers handed to you. salinity and specific gravity are the same thing.....they should be within 1.023-1.025. do some research or you will go nowhere with the tank

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Nothing wrong with asking for quick advice, why do research on already know facts think LINUX, share!! 1-1.5 pounds of LR per gallon, like Sl said 1.023-1.025, what else are you panning on keeping in the tank?

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I thought maybe a golden moray but probably just a painted frogfish. Do u know of any good marine feeders or are guppys and goldies fine? Also I did research and I couldn't really find any good care info and most of the sites are for scuba divers. How often should I feed it? Thanks Evan

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