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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Is there a way to measure oxygen levels? Aquapod12g


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The reason I ask is because I am concerned with the lack of turbulence in my aquapod 12g. I have 1 side of the lockline facing up to ripple the surface but still get a scum film that I need to float a paper towel to clean up. The chambers always seem very still with no movement. I have upgraded to a mj900 and flow is great ( hammer coral waving away). Also I blocked the bottom 2 intakes and wondering if I should also block up 3/4 of the top to get hopefully better surface skimming and maybe some more turbulance.

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What's your pH level. If it's 8.2 or around that you don't have a problem with oxygen levels, you have a problem with inefficient surface skimming.

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You could also cut the grate at the top to look like the top pic instead of the bottom. I have the same issue with my BC14 and I'm gonna hack away.




The problem with mine is that I have a deflector that slows the water flow just enough that the surface tension is right at the top of the slots.. so that prevents the surface film from getting broken up.

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My aquapod 12g must be different then your bc 14. My overflow actually already looks like the bottom pic. It is just teeth going straight up to the surface with no bar across the top, like the top pic.

And yes, my ph sways from 8.0 to 8.4. I buffer my salt mix with a pinch of Baked, baking soda. My straight ro/di is around 7.8.

i hope I can assume my O2 levels are ok based on my ph. Because I just googled dissolved O2 meters....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I have purchased so many test kits for such a small amount of water... my kids think I am a mad scientist.

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