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Pronunciation thread


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Sorry but I don't want to go to my LFS and get these names wrong. Are these corals pronounced as they are spelled or do they sound different?:blush:



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YES!! I've been wondering on a lot of pronunciations too!


I still don't know how to pronounce wrasse. Is it wrass, like grass? Or is it wrass-E? Or something totally different? I was so happy when AF magazine did an article that taught me how to pronounce zooxanthellae!


What would be really cool is if someone could compile a list of correct pronunciations for the most frequently referred to species.


Oh, and I also have no idea how to say calupera. X)

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Zee-nee-ahh (Mnesarchus)

Zen-E-uh (Acoustic)




This thread's topic would make an excellent addition to the "information" section of this site.


EDIT - on second thought the Xenia pronunciation sounds like a "Zee-bra" vs. " Zeb-ra" comparison.


I'll take the latter on both counts.. eheh

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Probably depends on what part of the planet your from too. I doubt an aussie's gonna pronounce stuff the same as a canadian (like me :P). (please resist the "eh" jokes . . ) ;)


And I agree, a section on how to pronounce stuff would certainly make the average newbie like myself look like less of an idiot at the LFS.



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c'mon Darwin, can't we get a few in?

z EH neea

Po l EH p

EH kro por EH


Just messing with ya.


While I think a phoenetic spelling might help, they have dictionaries for that and it is more bandwidth wasted in my opinon. Perhaps stickying this thread might work better.


Funny thing is, you don't have to be a newbie to mispronounce.


Crocea? I've heard kro see yuh, kro kee yuh, kro chee yuh and sro see yuh from seasoned vets in this game (krok sea yuh is how I say it).

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Anyone want to take a crack at "Corallimorpharian" or "Scleractinian"?


I still don't know if it is Ah-crop-per-a or Acro-pour-a.

As for the green stuff, I use Call-urpa.

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I had an ex named Zinnia. That's how I pronounce Xenia. I used to go to pet stores with Zinnia and buy Xenias. My point? If you go to your LFS and they don't understand what you're saying because your pronounciation is crap...say it louder. Shout it. Get angry. Make the sales person cry. Pretend he's an idiot. 9 times out of 10 they'll pronounce it the same way you do in the end, because the truth is just a matter of how confident you are.

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I don't give much thought on how to pronounce scientific names. Bottom line is most of them are latin or ancient greek... both (for the most part) dead languages. Additionally, scientific names are pronounced differently in different languages. So if the kid at the LFS doesn't like where you put the accent in Sarcophyton, just tell them that you were edumacated in Italy- hence the different pronunciation.

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