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What kinda of skimmer do I need for my soon-to-be nano reef?


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I am going to start my first nano reef...I am wondering what would be a good skimmer for:

10 gal tank

10lbs of Live Rock

10lbs of Live Sand

2 Clowns


My local pet shop is trying to sell me a RedSea skimmer for $100 for a 30 gal tank...they say anything smaller won't work as well


What about the Lee's skimmer for $25?

I don't mind spending the $100 if I have to..I just don't want to get ripped off.




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The Lee's skimmers are in tank versus the hang-on Prizm (by red sea I believe you are refering too). The hang-on ones are much nicer, easier to clean, and don't take up tank room. $100 for a Prizm is pretty high IMO. May wanna look at some of the preferred vendors here and other mail order places for better pricing.


It's a good idea for newcomers to reefs (especially nano's) to use them and a Prizm would be a good choice.



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if youre good with tools id recommend a diy one. Id never pay over 50$ for something i could make myself. But thats just me.

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If you go to Reefcentral.com there is a whole section on members who have submitted their DIY projects.. saw quit a few kickin skimmers in there.. One called "Harolds $60. Skimmer"

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