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HOB filter


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I'm setting up a 15 gal and was planning to us the natural system as described on the website. I wasn't planning to add a HOB filter, but it seem most people do. If i add one what size, what brand and what do you add to it. I've seen how some of you have modified them with baffles.

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AC 300 or 500


Run a search for those terms in the Refugium Discussion.


Either that or look back a couple of pages, there are a bunch on threads detailing how to set one up.

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I was really trying to see if I can get by without one.


You can.


HOWEVER the benefits of haivng a HOB Fuge to me seem like it'd be enough to throw down 20 bucks for an AC.



Just my 3.14 cents.

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With a HOB you will also be able to use the AquaClear surface skimmer. This will keep your surface clear of an organic film and increase gas exchange. You can also place your heater, if it's small enough, in the HOB which will make your nano look much less cluttered. My AC500 also serves as a refugium and to hold some carbon and a Polyfilter. Very useful IMO.

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if you plan a refugium or if you want that option in a small mannor the ac 300 or 500 work great you can add a snap on surface skimmer and if glue in a little piece of acrylic and add a light you can transform it to a refugium with some lr rubble and some macro algae. don't worry if the ac 300 and 500 have adj flow so it doesn't have to be stormy in tank

can you get by with out a refugium???

of course you can.

if you just want to run a HOB just for cirrculation you can do that and any brand will work aqua clear, marine land and others

a refugium is more like a safe place for things to grow. if your tank has a low bioload there is no need to have one but read alot of the past posts about refugiums I bet you'll change your mind and maybe think about making a sump out of a 10g tank for it a fuge can nice to look at

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I'm looking into the AC 500 now, but dont see the surface skimmer as an accessory. Will keep looking.


I am trying not to do what we all do sometime. Get a system a and a month later find out I should have got something else. I know should add a 10 gal refugium under my tank, but I dont have room so that's not an option (unless I move it to another room).

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