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New tank help


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Hello all,


I am new to this forum but I have been reading it for a while and trying to learn something about saltwater tanks before I actually do one. I decided the other day that I had read enough and bought the stuff to set up my own. I now have a 4 day old 10 gal tank with one damsel and plenty of live rock. Now I come to my problem. I am not sure as to when I should make my first water change. Should I wait a few weeks until the tank is pretty far into its cycle or should I just start right off the bat with my once a week water changes. Also if anyone has any tips at all for a begginer that will help out I would love to hear them.


Thankyou for your time,


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I'm so sorry to say that your damsel is doomed! I dont want to be rude, but you should read more before buying. Cycle the tank first before putting any inmate. You should not do any water changes during cycling. One question however, is your live rocks cured already? If not, the die off will be very toxic to any inmate. In this case, frequent water change will be needed for your damsel to survive, say twice a week. But it could take a longer time for your tank to cycle, doing this procedure.

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Inmate? Okay...


He's right though. It's best to cycle without the fish. But since you already have the fish in there I would suggest you do the weekly water changes. Yes it will lengthen your cycle but it will also help preserve the life on and in the LR. Be sure to get some test kits. pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to track your cycle.

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I thought that it was to soon as well but when I went to my LFS they said it was normal to add them that soon and a few of the customers that were there agreed and me being new at this I believed them, but now I know the truth and have to hope for the best. I guess thats the end of my days of trusting my LFS. Thankyou very much for your replies. I might try to return the damsel even if they wont return my money just so it wont die.

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