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Need some help with my tank, is it ready?


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Okay, so my tank has been up and running for 2 months, been doing upkeep on it, keeping it clean, no algae, keeping the salinity correct and for the most part keeping my temperature right (see my post further down :/) So anyway, my temperature is back at 78 degrees, my ph is fine, and my salinity is at 1.023, am I ready to add some stuff? If so, what should I add first? Trouble is I never invested in a nitrate or nitrite testing kit, so I have no idea what my levels are there, but is it safe to say they are fine by now, 2 months in? Thanks for the help :)

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no, you need a nitrite and nitrate test for sure esp this time in the game!!!! or take your water to a lfs and have them check it at least 1 a wk. your nitrites are more dangerous that nitrates. my tank has been up and running for about 3 1/2 mo. i have a 12g eclipse minus bio-wheel. our first thing we got was scarlet hermits and snails, then a wk or 2 later 2 false percs, 2pep shrimp, 1 cleaner, 2 emeralds. its all open field depends where you want to do w/ your tank. good luck

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If I was you, I'd go to Wal-Mart and shell out $10 for a Jungle Test Strip kit. It comes w/ 25 strips, and from what I've discovered (as have many others) is that it's right on the money. Why waste $15 on a fish if it'll die in a day. Go get the test kit from Wal-Mart cheap ass:P



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Make sure your NO2 and NO3 levels are down.........


After that, start with the hardy things like: GSP, shrooms, zoo's, leathers. Once you see those doing well, you'll know it's time to expand the collection.


EDIT: You might also think about adding a clean up crew, even if you don't see alot of algae, get them going.....

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