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products of photosynthesis?


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My tank has been running a week as of today. I have a pretty fare share of bubble algae, and a little hair algae growing. Ive had a small diatom outbreak.



whenever i turn on my lights, after a few hours, i notice alot bubbles form, normally stuck on the algae. By the time i turn off my tank, i have a small bubble storm in my tank. is this from the algae photosynthesizing?

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This is a process that the cyano bacteria uses to maintain itself. In effect, it is making it's own food by converting certain gases into gases that are beneficial to it. Mean stuff.

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  • 4 months later...

I am having the same problem, bubbles around the algae outbreaks... What can be done to eliminate this? Will decreasing the photoperiod help? Could this outbreak be from higher wattage lighting? PLEASE HELP!!!

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Just let it go.....it's part of the cycle. Eventually the algae, cyano, and everything else will mello out.


For the record, the products of photosynthesis are water and oxygen.

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>For the record, the products of photosynthesis are water and oxygen<


umm ok. what about light. (the main factor) did we forget something here.

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and to re your algea problems what type of water are you using in your tank? tap water and some store bought brands (purified mainly) contain a high level of phosphates and when added to your tank (ka pow) algea bloom. another factor is the types of food you feed. and by the way do any of you use a protein skimmer? if not i strongly recommend one. will help significantly with your algea issue.

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yea...quit whinning!lol just kidding with you. red let me know what your tank parameters are first off. and also read my post about the water you use. sounds to me you have some traces of ammonia in your tank which will of course be a main factor re your unwanted algae problem

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Actually, the products of photosynthesis are sugar and oxygen, the reactants are water and CO2(in the presence of light)


Definately test for phosphates and silicates.

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