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help! Was gone for a week and something wierd happened.


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my heater is set for 77 degrees, but when I came back after a week, the temperature is at 90! what happened? Why did my heater keep heating?? it is a normal 50 watt, I don't know hat happened. I Don't have any livestock in there, but I have about 9 pounds of live rock. Parts of my live rock have become slightly black, is this because of the heat? how can I cool down my tank? Thanks for the help :(

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I wouldn't worry too much about 90deg with only live rock. It'll accelerate die-off, but most of what survives normal shipping and cycling of LR, will survive slightly high temperatures, too. Heck, I usually cycle my live rock at 85+deg to speed up the process.


As for why it failed, dunno. Heaters can do that, unfortunately. What brand was it? I'd recommend replacing with an Ebo Jager or Rena Cal. If the broken one was one of those, it was a sad fluke.

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yeah, it was an ebo jagger, set it at 77 degrees like I said, no idea what happened. It still goes on and off as if it is setting the temperature correctly, but my thermometer reads 88 now. atleast it is dropping though. I have had the tank for 2 months now, probably time to add some livestock :) I do all the upkeep on it and stuff, but I just never have the time to go to the lfs anymore.

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Don't trust the numbers printed on the Ebo. Mine is set for "79" and it keeps the tank at 81-82.


That said, 90 degrees is a lot to chalk up to heater miscalibration. I suggest that you first get another thermometer. A second thermometer is cheap and may save you the wasted cost of a new heater.


I still recommend Ebo Jager, by the way. They are not perfect but seem to have a better track record than anyone else. After having cheap heaters kill several of my freshwater fish on more than one occassion, it's unlikely I'll ever use anything else.

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