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caja's 7.5 update


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Here's the latest tank shots. I mag-floated yesterday, but there's still some scuzz on the front glass. The green coraline sure is a nasty color against the blue background. Blechy. I might have to break down and scrape that. Full tank.

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.........but I am a little concerned about the sps on the left. I can't tell from the picture to good but it looks like the flow from the white PVC outlet is causing the top tips to bleach. I hope I am wrong. I know you know your stuff.

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wow, I can't believe how clean some people keep their tanks... looks great caja..


Your m.digi's look like they are very happy with some nice growth tips.. got any pics showing growth rates ?



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Growth of the montis. Little over a month I think.

Top two pics are of the center monti and the bottom two are of the monti on the left hand side of the tank.

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