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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Something is killing my corals! Help!


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For the past couple days some of my zooanthids remained closed while the others opened up. I thought things would just get back to normals until one of my SPS corals died, I went and did a water change.


I noticed there were two different like creatures running around my tank, I noticed they were walking ontop of my closed zooanthids. First one looked like a small brown slug with brown thorns popping out of it. Second one looks like a shrimp or worm, some are white and some are brown, I believe these are mysis shrimp but am unsure.


Upon doing my water change, I also took my micron bag to wash out and when I flipped the bag inside out, at least 20 of those creatures I believe are mysis shrimp popped out.


What are these things?? In the months I've had my tank I have not added any new rock nor have never I noticed them until this explosion. Also, could someone describes flatworms to me?? I'm freaking out. Thank you.

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Could be either....kinda sounds like flatworms and nudi's to me so as caja mentioned be carefull what you touch and squish. Those nudi's are toxic. If at all don't touch them....I'd use tweezers to remove them myself.



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Physh1 left out one important fact - these effing flatworms are happier in the toilet than in your reef tank. Give them a little flush, they love it!

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