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my 37gal aga and my new 35gal alcrylic


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well I have had my aga 37 gal for some time now. it has one lawmmower blenny, yellow headed sleeper gobie, yellow tail damsel, 1 cleaner shrimp, two pep shrimps, 2 emerald crabs, 1 brittle star, one pencil urchin, tons of hermits and snails all over, little worms all over, and bugs. Not sure how much rock I have with some mushrooms and polyps, oh yea and a lot of hair algae..lighting is two 96w pc (1=10,000 and 1=actinic) I just got my new acrylic 35 galon with overflow and hood with twin 96w pc's. I am going to be moving soon and so the new tank sits in my living room. anyone looking for a 37g w/hood and lighting in the milwaukee-chicago area? well here is a photo of the full tank


and here is the new tank




and here are more photos if you like

more photos

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That sleeper head is in the wrong substrate environment just so you know.


I keep forgetting that AGA made a NEW 37 gallon tank with different dims. I see all these NEW 37 GALLON TANK ! threads and ones for sale and think that I can FINALY buy another of my 37 gallon cube tanks...

argh. search continues.


should be a nice set up once ya put it all together. :)

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Hello all yea the tank is a "clarity plus" seamless tank with round corners. I had them make a hood too...it cost me 200.00 plus a trade of my 30gal oceonic cube and stand from the local fish store that just shut down. It was a cool tank as you pick the background color (I picked black), if you want an overflow, and where it goes (corner or center). I imagine that any fish shop can order "clarity plus" tanks. it was a long wait for it after I ordered it..the shop closed down and I had to pick it up from the old owner...about a 3 month wait. as for my gobie he is about 4 inches long and maybe 7 months old...he eats anything..I used to have fine sand in my cube and it was a sand storm..then I got the larger crushed coral and he is large enough that he takes in mouthfuls and spits them out but the fine particals come out his gils..he also eats pellets of formula 2. I know the substrate is not the best for him but it has finer sand under and he digs tunels and holes all over and acts pretty happy. Yea I am not sure when I will set it up as not sure when or were I am moving..lol oh well..can't wait to set it all up though..

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well I just listed the new 35gal for sale or trade as I am not moving anytime soon and really need space...I would like to get one of those 18gal ebay cube tanks...anyone want to trade? all things in these photos are for sale or trade (both tanks, fish, ect) :(

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