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Cultivated Reef

EEK!! *girlish screams*


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My tank has been running since last sunday, and last night i spotted some little guys, extremely small crustaceans, smaller than the size of a grain of rice. They were gold colored and pretty active. Are these pods?


Ive also noticed some algae starting to grow. Its still pretty small right now and shaped like bubbles.

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Get down from the chair......sounds like pods!


And Yup, sounds like bubble algae. If you can pluck out easily...go for it! If not, don't worry about it.

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Oh, do worry about that algae. It will grow and consume every surface possible.


As stated above, if you can get it out without popping it, do so. If not, remove the rock ASAP!

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i've had all kinds of weird little devil alien creatures appear from my live rock. every few months i will discover some crazy worm or crab that i can't believe i mssed when setting up the live rock. i'm always afraid that there's some baby mantis shrimp in there that i won't discover until it's 8 inches long and my hands are in the tank....:o

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I have never had luch physically removing bubble algae... the spores are just too persistent. Get an emerald crab. They will eliminate it. Plus, they have lots of personality.


I don;t believe thet these crabs get aggressive if they're being fed enough. They do get hungry and a tabk containg an emerald crab needs daily or almost daily feeding. Mine will clean the bottom of the tank in a half hour, even if I dump in 5 times the food that the fish can eat.

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should i plop like one or two crabs or somethin to start workin on the bubble algae? ive noticed a rust color algae or something starting to accumulate on top my LR and tank bottom, i'm guessing this a diatom bloom. my tank has been running since this past sunday, should I just tough out the cyle and wait or go ahead and a few critters?

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MrConclusion: I think that plucking in conjunction with emeralds is the answer. Remember that the emeralds do pop the valonia when they eat it.


Also, I have never heard/read of anyone feeding their emeralds before. INteresting, considering they are mainly algae-eaters, mine have never touched anything but algae, including coralline.


Aggie: Since you are jusy beginning your cycle, and there isn't anything else in the tank, mix up a batch of salt water, remove the rock from the tank and use a penknife to cut or pick the valonia off the rock and then rinse with the salt water, allowing it to run off into the sink. This will help to prevent the spores from running onto the rock, shuold you break one while removing it.


A pair of small emeralds wouldn't be a bad idea, along with a few snails, once your ammonia readings come & go.

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