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Cultivated Reef

Free Frag Friday


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Any orders that say "Free Frag Friday" or something to that effect in the comments field will receive a free frag of some sort if you select the Friday Shipment/Saturday Delivery service.


Catches: (a ton here, some of you are creative but I think we got all bases :) )


Free frag will be of "some sort", something easy to keep, moderate lighting will be fine. Expect gorgs for the next week or so, then the zoas, etc... promo runs until no more supply, this thread will be updated then to reflect that.


No pictures. No WYSIWYG, etc... I am lazy about pictures, I can't even describe how lazy I am about pictures.


Frags might need to be glued. Gorgs will need to be, glue the scored part. Gorgs shed, (most of mine do at least) - normal quick process, will likely occur during shipping or transplanting or to fend off cyano.


Please don't order for the frag, that would be crazy. We do CUCs, try one of the coral sponsors for that. Think of the frag as an extra bonus or an opportunity to try your hand at gluing a gorgonian etc...Can get a free macro instead if you would prefer.


We don't always have a Friday shipment, but if we don't have one for a particular week it will be clearly displayed under our logo on the homepage, or on the bottom right hand side of every other page on the site.


No switching the promo to other days, unless it is our fault, or we change it etc...

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I got my order of macros today. They looked good except for the money algae but that's the shippings fault. I also got a hermit crab in one of my macros, its white.


And for the mangroves can they be completely submerged?

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Like we needed more proof that you are a good guy, John.


I still need to get around to ordering a CUC for my own macro tank, it sounds like I should wait until friday.

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white claw hermit, liek a blue leg but smaller

if the halimeda is pale that is normal, any shade of green and it comes back in light - let me know

keep the growth tip just above the water line for best results they can sprout submerged, but not ideal


phsychosis - no more talk, time for an order.







That goes for you too! Yes I mean you. :)




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I'm going to be needing a CUC from you for my new 20g pretty soon. If you get a chance, take a look at my build thread and let me know what you think I would need. I also think I would like to have a few ornamental macros in the display. Your advice in that department is grealy appreciated as well. Thanks!!

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hi Kraylen when is good for you? I got mailer daemon replies back from you. How about Wed? I got something for you... :)

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Really? Man I dont know what is wrong.





Resend the form and I'll hit it up tonight so we can get this call rolling. Then you get an awesome feedback thread and some more advertising from me! :)

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one of these days i am going to get smart and trade cucs for your banner art. you just need to get a bigger/another tank

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