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"false" Clown behavior


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I was wondering if anybody has experinced this before. My clownfish plays the standard games of being pretty much a scaredy cat most of the in regard to make a quick movement right in front of the tank or a noise. This i can expect since most all fish i have had will do that but the strange thing is if you put your hand in the tank to move something or are cleaning the sides or such th fish suddenly turns into Rocky and keeps going after your hand constantly. It will turn right back on you even if you push it away. Is this related to hunger or is it just playing watch dog. I have never seen it go after my shrimp or my yellow headed jaw fish but your hand seems to be fair game for sure. I only feed my tank once a day since i have been prone to overfeeding other fish that i have. Any ideas?

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Perfectly normal behavior. I had one that would charge my hand and nip at me. I got sick of it after a while and whenever I had to put my hands in the tank I'd threaten him with the fish net...scared the crap out of him I guess because after two or three times doing that he never bothered me again while my hands were in the tank.

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