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Pod Your Reef

Another Newbee startup question.


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I am planning to start a Nano System. I have a SW FO tank setup for over 20 years, but have never had a reef system.


I will be buying everthing for my new system. I was thinking about a 15 gal tall (20" X12" X15"), lighting will be a 20" fan cool (2) 40w with moon lights. I plan to use the natural method of filtration as you descrided, LR and Sand. I have a RO/DI system so water quality will not be an issue.


My question is should I get the 15 gal (Ive read some post that say I will have trouble with the tall tank). What about the lighing?I know the question you will ask me is what am I planning to keep. I dont think I will want any hard coral, but you never know.

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Taller tanks can be a little more challenging to aquascape, as you have to build up your rocks vertically, while leaving horizontal surfaces for placing corals. But it can definitely be done. I have a 29g with the same issue, and I'm very happy with the outcome.


The other issue is that less light is available at the lower levels, but if you choose your corals appropriately, that's not a problem.


80W would be sufficient for softies and most all the LPS hard corals (hammers, torches, candycanes, brains, etc.).

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I'd skip the 15 and go the a 20. It'll give you more water volume and it'll be a bit easier to work with.


I had a 15 setup for about a month and then I tore it down and switched over to a 20. I definatley enjoy the 20 more, as it was a lot easier to come up with some aquascaping that I liked.


I was running 102w on the 15 and am running that also on the 20. I'd don't think I'll have problems with "most" corals.


You could get an halide setup for the 15 if you wanted, theres some good DIY setups in the in DIY forum.


Just my 3.14 cents.

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AMcNeice, are you suggesting a standard 20 or 20 Tall. I was thinking about the tall to get more vertical landscape. Thats why I went for the 15 gal. It has the same footprint as a 10, but a little taller.

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I was talking about your standard 20 (24 x 12 x 16)


While there are some stunning 20L (30 x 12 x 12) 's out there, I like the height also, thats why I threw out the idea of the 20H.


It's a bit shorter (by my crude arm measurements) than the 15 but I definatley enjoy having the extra width, it gives you some more to work with.


I just found the footprint of the 15 to be too constricting when It came to developing a good aquascape.

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