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Coral Vue Hydros

nano plumbing system ?


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can any one advice me how to create a plumbing system for nano reef tank around 10 -15 g.


may be some books, links, etc. some picture / diagram will be very helpfull for beginer like me.


thank you in advance for your times.



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tullock's Natural Reef Aquarium shows some setups, not diagrams exactly but very step-by-step. it's a little dated now tho.


calfo & fenner's Reef Invertebrates has more up-to-date info and techniques but i don't think there's a very good pictographic look of the setups.


you can also try the refugium forum here as well as the DIY forum and member's tank photos. you can probably glean better info from there. some of which may be based or improvements on the sources mentioned above. hth


espi: do you have a chapter reserved for this kind of stuff in your book? i think the bible was written in less time. X)

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