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Cultivated Reef

Clumpy cruddy algae on the sand


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First About me.. I have 2 tanks. A 72g Bowfront Micro-Reef and a 25g Eclipse Nano-reef.


Recently both tanks are suffering from the same problem, but I'll focus on the nano since that is what you guys (and gals) do.


The Tank (25g Eclipse with 130w 50/50 PC lights and a prism (smaller of the two) skimmer)


The substrate is florida live sand (coral) which is pretty fine (annoying since it gets all over stuff). The tank has a half dozen smaller fish (2 clowns, a psuedocromis, leopard puffer, sailfin blenny, and 2 damsils.). Additionally in the tank is 1 pound of live rock and 1 pound of live sand per gallon. approx 1 snail per gallon and 1 hermit per 2 gallons. there is a small blue linkia star (which I never see) and a brittle (which I hand feed) 1 Emerald Mythrax Crab and 2 1 inch Conch's.


The problem #1. All the snails and hermits seem to avoid the sand. They pick at the tiniest places on the rocks or climb the glass (snails ) But with the exception of the new Conchs no one is eating the green or brown crud on the sand. What is it and what do I do to get rid of it? I thought I had everything that ate that (oh yeah, there is 1 regular cucumber that comes out at night. ) See the picture for what I mean.


Problem #2 Snails. Larger ones are good. But the smaller ones seem to fall off stuff onto the sand, upside down, where they can't right themselves, and (If I dont get to them) die... Isn't that dumb? How to fix? (I was thinking bigger sand to give them more levereage??)


Thanks in advance.

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snails really are retarded, you have to baby sit them. in our 50 gallon we have about 5 cerinth snails that reproduce like CRAZY. this second there are about 100 mm long babys every where. 1 or 2 will reach full size. our margaritas breed like crazy too. so maybe some of those and they will replenish their own numbers :P


that aglae in the sand is normal. its a sign that your tank is not very old, ours went away after a few months.


not to mention you have way to much fish biomass in there. can you put 3 of them in the bigger tank? any room in there?


algae spreads and lasts when there are plenty of nutrients in the water, and with that many fish there is plenty

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Interesting. I never thought any of my snails (astrea, Turbo, nassarius) would breed. I have several of each. I assume I don't need to "Do" anything to make that happen?

Or is there an ideal condition for it?

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Originally posted by jneuringer

I assume I don't need to "Do" anything to make that happen?

Or is there an ideal condition for it?


nope, ours breed in our FOWLR. no special conditions just a healthy fish tank. not even a reef.

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