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Cultivated Reef

Snails dead??


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Two of my snails either the astrea or the trochus, I think its the astrea that died. They are the bigger ones right. They just done died. Why all my levels are ok. What do these guys eat maybe there was no food for them? Why did they die if all levels are ok?

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Possibly ran out of food...did you check your Kh or Ph levels, water change with R.O. water? They are very sensitive to Ph and hardness swings...Just a thought


P.S. there is a meeting on Nov. 2 near Austin check out maast.org for more details if you don't already know- Yves

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ppl say that snails are hard to acclimate. how did u introduce them to your tank? i, however, didn't take all the precautions but they are still alive and strong!

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astrea snails just eat algae brown green even cyano

what are the details on the tank? need more info

most of the time the green dots are algae that the snails have missed

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did the 15 min acclimation. Thing is Ive had them for about 3 weeks. lessee. Ive got two, trochus, Im assuming they are still alive and it is the astrea that are dead. and two mexican turbos. Only thing I can say is, things started happening when I used AP's proper pH. snails started becoming less active. diatoms left untouched. Hair algae was gettin mowed down till the pH went from 7.8 to 8.3 then snails slowed to a stop.


pH 8.3

alk 12

Ca 420

trate 5 ppm

trite 0

amm 0


10gallon, 12lbs LR 15 lbs LS.


Im doing a WC tomorrow, since I found the dead snail. I might be down for that nov 2 meeting. So 2 snails dead, the others are slow, fish is alive and kickin eetin away.

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it could be the ph changed to fast. alot of marine animals are very sensitive to PH it has been explained to me that if the PH changes too fast the animals can not breath untill there body adjusts to the tank's ph .5 is a jump but it not a huge diff I think you just had a little bad luck

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Astrea snails are notorious for falling over and not being able to right themselves (due to there humongous shells), if they are left like this, they eventually will die. Your's probably just fell over and were not able to right themselves, maybe you didn't catch them in time. Also, have you checked your specific gravity? If that fluctuates alot, that can be a potential problem to the snails health as well. Gotta remember to do those top-offs to compensate for the evaporated water.

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So sad, one of my mexican turbos died. He was being really slow and sick. As days dragged on, he just got sicker and sicker, and then today there he was on the rock, with some pods having a good time. Damn .5 pH swing killed 3 of my snails now. Screw APs proper pH. There must be another way of raising low pH. I think its with the Ca buffer. Unless there is something else thats killin these snails. I have to point at AP's


At any rate, time to buy some snails. But first, ima do a madd crazy wc. Im gonna go with some nass, and some cerith. A new lfs in my area got some lively ones

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