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BiColor Blenny or TailSpot Blenny?


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So I'm trying to decide what kind of blenny I want for this tank I have at work and have narrowed it down to a bicolor or tailspot. I was looking at the forktail blenny but not sure how I feel about a venomous fish in my tank.


I know both are supposedly herbivores but I also heard they eat meaty foods as well so I'm not sure what exactly to feed them. I also don't have a lid on my tank and I'm not sure if either are jumpers.


Liveaquaria says the tailspot is fine for a 10g but it also says the bicolor needs a 30g tank :huh: Is that right?


Also do you think maybe adding a clown goby in the future would be too much bioload for the tank? It's 10g total water volume but there's a 3g sump in the back so only about 7g of area to swim around in. I'm not sure if it would be smart to put 2 fish but I figure a clown goby is small enough to be fine with the blenny just chilling on a rock.


Anyway, opinions welcome :) I'm just rambling while the tank cycles.

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Size consideration the tailspot and a clown goby should be fine but I am not sure on the compatibility of the two. Seems to be any blenny could be a jumper so take that into consideration also. My tailspot in my avatar.

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The tailspot and the bi-color are basically the same fish in my opinion, just different colors. The tailspot is more colorful.


For feeding, they need a meaty food. My tailspot's favorite is frozen daphnia but it like frozen cyclopeeze too. I buy sheets of nori (from a grocery store, asian section) and use an algae clip and fold it up and he picks at it throughout the day. You can also buy packs of sheet algae at the lfs or get a flake food with algae in it. I can't guarantee he'll eat it though. Mine doesn't like flake food, but what fish would if they are spoiled on frozen?


They need a diet of both algae and meaty foods. Don't put more than 1 blenny in the same tank unless they are mated. I have heard that tailspots are jumpers. I have a lid on my tank.


I can't answer your question about the blenny and the goby. I feel that it would be fine if you do water changes every week. Tailspots should eventually have more room I think. I have a baby clownfish and a tailspot in my 10g and do 20% waterchange every week. They are actually buddies so I think he'd get along with the goby.

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Both fish are jumpers and both would be fine in that tank. I've kept them both before. Definitely feed a varied diet but they're not too picky. I personally perfer the tailspot because it has much cooler patterns IMO.

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You should go with the flametail blenny, it looks like the bicolor, but is much prettier and it's dorsal, anal, and tail fins are all connected so it swims like a little eel.

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bicolor all the way... i love the personality of mine... he pokes out of hole sin the rock but he pokes out of them upside down...such a little tard

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although not necessarily suitable for your 7, the red lipped blenny is by far one of my favorite blennys. It had incredible personality..ate both seaweed and frozen...and just added such character to the tank. When I stuck my hand into the tank..it would strike the sand with its tail to show its displeasure...and once when I was putting in seaweed it came after my hand and actually bit me..lol..left a little smiley face on my hand.It would always peek from around its rock..and was a beautiful reddish brown..a peaceful fish to other tank inhabitants.

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Ok...I will make it easier for you.


Dont listen to anyone else...I am the only one that knows everything. Everyone else is always wrong.


Get a Tail-Spot.




p.s. Seriously....both are cool. Tail-Spots are smaller and more suited to your 10G tank.

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yea i've been wanting a tailspot since i started my 20g so i think i'll take your advice :)


+1 to the tailspot theyre definitely my favorite.

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yeah my gramma and 6 line both were jumpers..thankfully I saw em both before any permanant injury happened to the fish :)

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  • 9 years later...
On 6/6/2009 at 5:34 AM, Phytotopia said:

My bicolor blenny jumped :( He had so much personality too.

mine jumped 10 minutes after he went in the tank. luckily i was there when it happened. then he jumped into the overflow. 1 hour later we finally got him out. never jumped since. seems he learnt his lesson. otherwise, great fish

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1 hour ago, BlennyBoi said:

mine jumped 10 minutes after he went in the tank. luckily i was there when it happened. then he jumped into the overflow. 1 hour later we finally got him out. never jumped since. seems he learnt his lesson. otherwise, great fish

?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️  check the date of the original post lol.. cheers!!!

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