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Innovative Marine Aquariums

2.5g AGA Mini-bow stocked


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Ok, here's my report:


Started with zebra and red-leg hermit after cycling a month or so ago. Added 'shrooms, GSP, and zoos 3 weeks ago. Added nassarius and feather duster 2 weeks ago. Added a ric. (LFS gave it to me for free!?!) and grape caulerpa last week. Added halmedia (sp?) macroalgae and Pulsing Xenia today.




Feather duster: missing in action. Was a pretty purple guy, a color that I had never seen before. One day a hermit was picking at his tube, the next day he was gone. Fortunately, he spawned a baby purple feather duster first. The baby lives on.


Two snails: fell of glass and expired or were eaten by hermits.


Two aiptasia anenomies: one entombed with superglue. The other continually buried in sand every day for a week until he got fed up and started walking up the LR. Then I siphoned him out (still moving, not attached) and solemnly committed him to a dry grave.




Grape caulerpa: started with one stalk and now has several.


Corraline: lots of red, little bit of purple.


Pest algae: one small beard colony. No visible growth for past week.


Lessons learned:


Superglue frags to LR or you will be picking them up off the sand every morning.


Tape light cooling fan power supply securely to power bar so it does not come unplugged and cause your 52w of light to melt your plastic hood. Don't ask. :rant: Just don't even go there.


Don't superglue that shriveled little dime-sized ric near any other corals. It gets about 8 times bigger when the lights come on and you'll soon be prying it off the rock you just glued it to.


Don't blend seafood containing clams in the blender. It makes goo that you can't feed your tank with, it only pollutes. Next time I'll try chopping shrimp and stuff with a knife. Chunks, not goo.


(Since this is a tank at work): Consider hanging a sign that says "NO, there are no Verra-be-cursed fish in that tank! First, do you not see the corals? Do you see corals so often that you are already bored with them? Second, do you not see that it is too freaking small? That a fish would hardly be able to freaking turn around? Enjoy the blasted inverts, for the love of Pete!"


Well, that's about it. So far, I keep going through cycles of "this sucks, it's too hard, it's too expensive, I'm going to kill everything" to "this is so cool, I want another (bigger) tank at home, oops I should be working instead of looking at my tank". It's funny too when somebody stops by my cube for work-related purposes and we either end up talking reefs for 15 minutes or they find me up to my elbows (well, forearms) in my tank. :blush: So far the boss has not caught me with my sleeves up but it's bound to happen eventually... :o


Ok, enough rambling, here is the pic!

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Sadly, no. Rock is too big / tank is too small. The rock is touching the back wall. I could get a smaller heater but I've had so much bad luck with heaters sticking on and killing freshwater fish, I'm afraid to use something other than an Ebo on an expen$ive reef.


A tank @ work is great... best to have one at home, too, though, so you can get in some quality staring-at-the-tank time.

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Yes, all one chunk. It took me half an hour to pick just the right one... then another half hour on the way home worrying it was too big to fit... :happy:

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