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Pilot Light WTF


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so winter is gettin here, and my place is gettin cold, and I grabbed my heater to install it. Only problem, aint no pic for directions or nothin, just words. Im supposed to turn indicator until pilot light goes ON. WTF, where is this pilot light?

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1. Put the heater in the water (should never turn them on outside of the water: they'd crack from the heat.)

2. plug it in

3. turn the knob up until you see a light come on in the heater....can't miss it, I would think...


By turning up the heat adjustment until the temp is set above the current water temp will cause the thermostat to activate the heater. Should be a little orange/red light, typically inside the glass tube.

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thanks kennerd, I turned it prolly 8 notches and was like when is this lite gonna come on, I was afraid Ima fry my tank. but you are right i had 2 more notches and it came on. you cant miss it

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See how nice I can be? Now just keep it at the notch where it turned on and keep an eye on the temp so it doesn't boil things up too quickly. After a day, check the temp and jack it up a little more.



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Originally posted by birdman204

:D:D:D  Good question, albeit, hopefully obvious, but funny


You did ask about the blatantly obvious little light, though......hehe.;)


Well, obvious NOW.

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