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Danny D's 5.5 gallon upgrade.


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Pictures First. Talk Later

This is all with in 2 months.

My first attempt 1.5g


My second attempt 2.5g with our little friend salty. RIP salty :( Newbie Accident.


5/24/09 My final attempt 5.5g this one is here to stay. Meet Mr. Wiggles. :)




This is my setup.

5.5 AGA

3 lbs of LR and 10lb of LS. (I have more live rock curing at the moment.)

50 watt heater

Current usa Dual 2x18 watt

Digital and regular thermometer.

Marineland penguin 100 bio-wheel. Yes a bio-wheel. Another newbie mistake.(Looking to upgrade to a AC50 or AC70 Mod.

I have a Koralia Nano coming in the mail.

And one small Clown.

I want to make this into a colorful nano reef. I am open to any comments you may have about my setup and would appreciate and helpful advice on how I can improve my setup.

As if today



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Its sitting on 6 little pieces of plexi and there are 2 large pieces on top with a small piece in the middle. I'm going to get a piece of plexi cut to on top and around my HOB.

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I was actually looking at what the tank itself was placed on, not the light. But I'm glad to see you have a more sturdy platform in your last pic. I personally haven't done a whole lot with the picos BUT...


maintenance, maintenance, maintenance.... It is so easy for the water parameters to go askew. I like to think about it like this.


10 drops of lemon juice in a 16oz. drinking glass= a still drinkable, somewhat flavored beverage...

10 drops of lemon juice in a Tsp of water= funny faces and comedy for all to witness.


What I am saying is, if for example you forget to top your tank off for a weekend and the water level drops a good bit, your salinity can spike to dangerous levels(I don't know for sure how much it changes per inch or half inch in a 5.5 gallon).


What were your water parameters before you added your clown if you don't mind me asking?

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I was actually looking at what the tank itself was placed on, not the light. But I'm glad to see you have a more sturdy platform in your last pic. I personally haven't done a whole lot with the picos BUT...


maintenance, maintenance, maintenance.... It is so easy for the water parameters to go askew. I like to think about it like this.


10 drops of lemon juice in a 16oz. drinking glass= a still drinkable, somewhat flavored beverage...

10 drops of lemon juice in a Tsp of water= funny faces and comedy for all to witness.


What I am saying is, if for example you forget to top your tank off for a weekend and the water level drops a good bit, your salinity can spike to dangerous levels(I don't know for sure how much it changes per inch or half inch in a 5.5 gallon).


What were your water parameters before you added your clown if you don't mind me asking?


Don't mind at all. i've had the clown for about a week already in the other tank. the parameters were constant even after i added the clown.


they were

ph 8.2

salt 1.023

ammo 0


nitrate 20

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ive had the clown for almost a month and i added some snails and hermit crabs. ever since i put some cheato my nitrates have stayed at 0. i want to start adding some coral soon but im not sure what to start with.

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Meet the new member of the family. He saved me from a police ticket.Photo0256.jpg

I got pulled over for making an illegal turn and he asked for my id and stuff. When he came back with his ticket book he saw my new clown and said "is that a clown fish". So we talked for a little about nano tanks and he said I'm going to give you a break. I named my new clown lucky.


ph 8.2

salt 1.023

ammo 0

nitrite 0

nitrate 0

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Nice... I have always wanted to see the reaction of an officer when I get pulled over with one of my 10ft+ pythons in the car....think I'll get a ticket?


BTW...looking good

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The 2 clowns may be pushing the bio-load limits....I'm not 100% sure but I am pretty sure you will need to do some hardcore regular maintenance....someone else want to chime in?

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Uh yeah, considering they recommend 20 gal minimum for 1 clown. You'll have like 5" of big fat clown in that 5.5.

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Im going to get a bigger tank after i come back from vacation. I work nights and so Im at home most of the day. I am very careful about my parameters other wise I wouldn't have 2. Thanks for the comment.


2 clowns??? 1 was pushing it none the less I like your setup very nice rockwork
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ya....ONE was pushing it.






2 is a definite NO.



edit: might i suggest putting the chaeto behind the rocks. so you can remove that godawful plastic thing.

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I was thinking about putting behind the rock too. Thanks for the advice.


Ph 8.2

Ammo 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 0

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based on the stated track record, you are really pushing it with 2 clowns. I only have a green clown goby and sexy shrimp and i have to be very careful with how i feed because of nutrient issues in my 5.5gallon

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based on the stated track record, you are really pushing it with 2 clowns. I only have a green clown goby and sexy shrimp and i have to be very careful with how i feed because of nutrient issues in my 5.5gallon

I have been testing everyday and all parameters have been stable. I would not have two in their if I wasn't sure I could keep up with it. Thanks for the heads up.


as of today

salt 1.023

ph 8.2

ammo 0

nitrite 0

nitrate 0

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Two days ago I found two aiptasia on a piece of live rock. So I decide to search my whole tank for them but I could only find two. I called the LFS and ask what I could do to remove them and they told me to try a peppermint shrimp.



I added the pepper last night and It found a little cave right away. Today I did my daily water test and checkup and notice that the shrimp has not gotten rid of the aiptasia. Does this take a couple of days? If its not gone by next week I am going to inject the little bastards. I haven't been able to take a picture of the pepper but I'll post one asap.



2 clowns

3 red leg hermits

1 blue leg hermit

3 brown hermits do know the name of them

2 snails I cant remember the name at the moment

1 astraea snail

1 Nassarius Snail

1 peppermint shrimp


Salt 1.023

PH 8.2

Ammo 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 0

temp 76-80f

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Good News!!!!


All my aiptasia are gone. The pepper was working overtime last night.


Bad News.... One of my brown hermits died :(

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