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Acoustic's Reef Lost to the Fire....


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I have a ton of pictures of the fire but I can't post them. I had to evacuate my home. The power went out about 4 hours ago. By the time I went back the last time the hermies started to look like they were dieing. I was so desperate I manually blew air bubbles into my tank for awhile to try and preserve it in hopes that the power would turn back on in time. Now I'm far away from the fire. I did manage to take my expensive light hood. Hopefully my place doesn't burn and I will be able to use the tank again and start over. I will let everyone know tomorrow if I am allowed back home.




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ohh dude, I am soo sorry about your house. forget the nano man. as long as you are ok and anyone else living with you is ok.


man, sorry to hear about this

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awww man, so sorry. The fire is nearing my Mom's house too, not good. She has a Koi pond, can't really move them in a pinch. If it is any consolation I lost power on my reef tank a while back for about 6 hours and everything but some pods made it.


Hope you are ok.

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I feel for you, those fires are a true nightmare......Hope for the best and I agree.... you and family are OK, so count your blessings.....


rooting for your reef......

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That's too bad 'koos... I'm hearing reports the fire in your area is a possible arson. A few of the larger fires up here have been arson too, which is a shame. These folks should receive way more than what they do from our legal justice system for the misery, heartache and loss they impart to innocent third-parties.


You get yourself up and running again, I'll bounce you a couple zoo frags, from the Great State of Wyoming.


Best wishes to you.

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Acoustic, thankfully you were able to get out in time. I heard this morning that some people were caught up in the fire while evacuating and lost thier lives. Such a tragedy. My prayers are with you and your family.

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Hey Acoustic. I'm so sorry about your loss. Hearing about such a tragedy makes me sick. My sister and her husband lost everything while they were away on their honeymoon, and sorting through their burnt house was really heart wrenching.


Good Luck!


Reality be with You,


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bad times.


when you're ready to start up again, be sure to let us know.


sounds like you and your family are okay. i hope you're other pets didn't suffer as well. good luck.

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My mothers back fence was burned after they evacuated, the house was spared. I hope you are as lucky!!! Gimme a PM and lemme know how everything went, I may :ermm: have a tiny zoo rock, and some gsp for yah!

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aw man....im really sorry to hear man.im glad your ok!my girlfriends sister is going to school down there and she had to evacuate also......i hope you can make it back to your home soon...safe and sound.

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Sorry man. Hopefully they can get this thing under conrtol soon. Man the ash and stuff makes breathing hard. I just hope it doesn't spread anymore. Take care man. Let us know if everything is okay.

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I have some Good GHA to start you out if need be. Just let me know.


Oh and some corals too.


And I thought I had it bad with the not being able to breathe.

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First of all I want to say thank you for the kind words. I am now back into my place. The power was out for almost 24 hours! The fire burned right down to the street and fencelines!


And now..............




I can't figure it out. Half of my hermit crabs died (5) and possibly (1) fish and that's it.


I guess blowing bubbles in it for a coule of minutes helped. HEHE!

I am soooooooOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOO happy.

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Sweet. Is your other stuff still doin ok? P.S. Get a hagen battery powered airstone, they will run for over ( or at least ) 24 hours straight. I use it to aerate 1 gallon jugs of saltwater. I have had it for 3 weeks and still the same batteries, although it is starting to slow down. Maybe this will help the power outages :) Other than that,,, You are stoked!



P.S. Still willing to frag swap B)


P.P.S. Isn;t it stupid how those hermits in the mall will live forever, My buddy got one for his kid....the thing has been alive 2 years, i asked " what do you feed it ?" " uuuhhh.... I dunno."



WTF!!! he didnt feed it in 6 months, and it lives in a 1 gallon terrarium. the thing is the size of a golfball! and 5 hermits cant stay alive for 5 hours w/o circulation. bumming:(

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Sorry to hear you had to evacuate man, but glad to hear your place didnt burn. Also great that your reef is still in one piece for the most part. It doesn't look like the fires will be over any time soon so keep your fingers crossed for others in its path.



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