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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Keep a lid on it!


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I have had FW tanks forever, and I am in the researching and planning stage for my first SW - a nano... This site has been a great resource so far, but I haven't found the answer to this question. If it's here, maybe someone can point me to it.


I am thinking about doing a 10 gal and right now, am planning out the lights and hood etc. I want to get the best lights possible so that I have more livestock choices down the road. I'd like to have a few corals eventually but I am worried about heating the water with the lights. I could leave the top open... but my cat might decide to go fishing. Also, I am terrified by the thought of a little fishy jumping out. (I once had a suicidal betta, and am now emotionally scarred. I have compulsively covered every tiny opening in my FW hood).


So... has anyone used a screen top? Would that cast shadows or interfere with the light too much? Any other suggestions? In my searches on this topic, I've seen a ton of pictures of cats in empty tanks but no discussion on how to keep them out once the fish are in! How do you do it without a hood? Is it possible? Am I stuck with using a hood and a fan? Maybe the lights just don't get that hot?


Thanks for any suggestions! :)

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Here's my suggestion.: fill the tank up with plain old fresh water where ever you want to keep the tank. While holding Mr. Kitty, casually walk over to the tank and deposit said kitty into the tank. Guarantee you the cat will not go near the tank again.


Disclaimer: While I personally have not tried this method of cat deterrent, it sounds like a really cool idea and who doesn't love tormenting cats?

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Poor kitty...


Actually, this is a cat that sleeps in my bathroom sink. When he has refused to get out of my way I've turned the water on him... next morning, there he is in the sink again.

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hehe, I hate cats and love the idea.


A top isn't a bad idea for reasons other than cat deterrent. First off, it helps eliminate evaporation, which is a huge issue with small tanks and high power lighting. Second, it helps keep the carpet surfers in the tank.


A screen lid will stop the carpet surfing but will do little in the way of evaporation reduction. Also, as much as I hate them, cats are pretty smart (give em credit for that) and a smart cat will find out that claws can do wonders to a screen.


Lastly, a metal screen might wind up rusting and a plastic screen might melt under the hot lights.


Go for a glass top. If I could I know I would. Lost three fish to carpet surfing and the evap is killer in my 26.

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carpet surfing..:/


my cats love to play in the bathtub.. after a good shower they seem to stay away for a week or so.. but then they right back in..


Though they dont bother the tanks at all...


I have a beta in a 20g about 2 inches off the floor..

(tank i use for excess plant cuttings) and cats dont go near it..



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Thanks! Hadn't thought about rust or evaporation... Guess I'll try the glass top and just figure out a way to raise the lights if things get too toasty!


(My cat loves to watch the FW tank and paws at the fishies through the glass... An open top would just be too much temptation! He likes to hang out in the shower after I get out too... cats are so weird.)

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If glass isn't an option you can pick up a piece of acrylic at any home improvement store and either have it cut to size or cut it yourself. I've got an acrylic top over one of my tanks.

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legs sit on the frame, making it hard to fit the glass top (that's my tank problem).


If you can, hang the lights.


Of get yourself a hob iceprobe microchiller for temp control

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Oh the infamous chiller... I WILL figure out another way!


Thanks everyone for all your help and the ideas... although I think I'll stay away from the electrified anti-pigeon wire...

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