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Cultivated Reef

water storage/ refuge lighting


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i have a few questions:


1)im planning on getting water from the scripp birch for my nano. i heard somewhere that live saltwater dies after a period of time. how long can i store the live saltwater (for weekly water changes)?


2)im also planning on building a refuge for my tank. i saw some refuges have lights. is that necessary?



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the fuge needs light if you are try to grow macro which will absorb the nitrates and help prevent algae bloom in the main tank also the light can help maintain PH in the tank buy running 24/7 photo period

i don't know about live SW

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first off, how big is your tank? i have a 10g and the easiest way to do water is to buy a gallon of distilled water from grocery store. have a 5 gallon or some sort of bucket handy. on the day u want to do WC, pure the water into bucket, add your salt and use a pump to circulate the water. give it a couple hours to dissolve the salt, check to make sure it's in range of S.G. then make your WC. that way your water will always be fresh.


i used to buy it from the pet store and store it, but it would go bad within a wk.

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Infiniti, I'm wondering how your water went bad within a week. I purchase 5 gallons per month for two 7-7.5 gallon tanks and when it's time for a WC I simply give the jug a good shake and pour off the required amount and toss in a PH for a few hours to remix. Never have had a problem with my premixed SW going "bad".

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when i first started my tank, i bought some water (DI) from a lfs. water parameters were fine. i didn't use it all and kept some for future water changes. after 2 wks i decided to check the stored water and some traces of ammonia and trites were detected. i dumped it and bought more from another lfs. they sold me bad water. ever since then, i buy distilled and freshly make it when i need to do wc.


btw... these were plain DI water.

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ive descided to go with salt mix. instead of fresh saltwater since i have a 7 gallon.


but do you guys think 5 watts enough for macros? thanks for the feed back guys!

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Originally posted by ninhsavestheday

ive descided to go with salt mix. instead of fresh saltwater since i have a 7 gallon.


but do you guys think 5 watts enough for macros? thanks for the feed back guys!


i was referring to freshly mixed salt water. not fresh saltwater from the sea.


and 5w i dont think will be enough.

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