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Coral Vue Hydros

controlling algae . .


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My 10 gal nano is about 8 months old now and is running great . . got some softies in there now, everythings living well . . no real problems . . however, it seems everything in my tank is overrun by green algae. When I go to my LFS the live rock has a nice brown color to it with the occasional patch of coraline algae. Mine looks green everywhere. I have patches of nice purple colored coraline algae but there seems to be green slime / hair all over the place. My glass is also constantly getting covered. I have 4 small hermits, 2 turbo snails, and 4 bumble bee snails but the algae is still out of control. Is this normal? Is there something I can do to help cut it down a bit?


thanks for any advice!




ps. I'm running about 50 watts of light total (actinic / 10,000K / 6'500K combo) and an aqua clear 200 HOB with carbon and sponge insterts if that makes any difference.

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Along with that how many hours a day are you running your lights?


If your using tap water it can have a lot of "stuff" in it like phosphate, nitrate, iron, copper, flouride, etc than can help promote undesirable algae. It's problematic to say the least. You'd be better off to use RO/DI water or distilled.


Lighting, if on for more than 10-12 hours a day can only add to this problematic growth.



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Dont forget phosphates Physh1. If you live in the country and are on well water that can be loaded with phosphates, it can cause big algae problems. Ive heard that some cities even put phosphate in their water to control pipe corosion caused by hard water.

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So far I've been using tap water with conditioner. That may be the problem . . I also usually end up having my lights on for over 12 hours a day . . I should probably put them on a timer. I'll try reducing the time the lights are on and using distilled water next water change and see what happens.



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I had similar problems even though I was doing everything by the book. My solutions was protein skimmer, phosguard and an emerald crab. Rocks are hair free and the coralline is starting to grow again. Get it under control or it will be out of control in a hurry.

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Its going to take quite a few water changes till you start noticing a difference. It took like 4 or 5 weeks for my nitrates to come down to 10ppm and see a decline in the algae. My tank is a month or two younger than yours and my algae problem is gone. And like you I started my tank with tap water, never again will I make that mistake.

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