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Cultivated Reef

Tank Update folks :)


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hey all


So a while back I had my lil pH scare. I was like I guess I just have to wait. I bought some of that stuff AP's proper pH, worked like a damn charm. Dammit I should have listened to you from the get go. But I didnt wanna go adding chemicals to the tank.


But now Im happy as can be. Maybe two weeks ago I added six snails. 2 mexicans. they do alot of work, eatin up all my hair algae, they are lawn mowers boy. Also got 2 trochus, which this morning I found one on its back, and now it dont look so good. So I hope tomorrow its better. I dont know what the hell they eat. Finally I got 2 astreas. Buggers seem to be eating the stuff that gets stuck on the PH intake and the HOB intake.


And today was one hella happy day. I spent the nite at this friend, a girl I got the hots for (nothing happened) And then I went to the fish store cause I planned on getting a fishy for the tank. I wanted to get a clownfish 14 bux at the petco, my lfs had a gramma I wanted to get, but when I went it was gone :( but phear not, at petco I saw, the most beautiful fish.


It was a pseudochromis, I fell in love with the fish and plunked down my 14 bux for this sexy girl, its color magenta. whuff, girl got it going on. turned on you ask? heh, i dunno heh its a fish ;) also called a magenta or purple dottyback. Acclimated and slapped her in. Oogled at her for about an hour. And then I had to do some school work and what not.


And then I was like lemme run a carbon bag, and fuggin, when I took it out there was all this crud, I was like wtf. so much for the bag man. So I figger I need to get a new one. So I turn off meh lights. so i go to do some more school work. Now Im about to pass out, but first I wanna see my sexy new girl. I go and look, and the bish is GONE. I said oh shat she jumped out, I scan the carpet and counter top. No sign of her, so I scour the tank.


Where in hell is my new girl. No where to be found. So I looked in my HOB, and its covered in crud. No wonder my tank got nasty when taking out the carbon bag. (to all n00bs, clean out that HOB at least once a month) But no pseudcromis, I start freakin out like when my pH was low, I said oh shat my params are ****ed prolly test messed up or something, I have one really really porous rock, so I lifted it up, and there the bish is, motionless, all passed out sleepin, underneath the rock in this crevice.


Bastidge man, I got so freaked, and she got scared and started swimmin around. when I put the rock back, girl got into the crevice, and I lost her. whuff, at least its her sleepin spot, but heh, I didnt think when people said pseudos like to hide. I didnt think they like to hide in damn small spots under rocks. Anyhow Im pretty happy I got a fish. Ill try to post pics up. tuesday is when Ill do it, tomorrow and monday, ill be mad busy. So stay tuned people.


Now all I need is a real gf...


Peace, Love, and bringin them damn troops home



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AP's proper pH
You really should check your alk levels. I'd bet it's low and that will cause an unstable pH. That proper pH is just a temp fix. Your gonna need a specific buffer for the tank.


Otherwise your story is interesting:D



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Errr....I'd totally disagree. You have stuff in the tank and you've noted pH issues. You need to deal with these items constantly regardless of whether or not you have corals. Everything in your tank uses calcium, everything uses carbonate hardness, and you pH reflects that.


I'd really recommend doing something soon...if your pH is low, and your ca is low, I really wonder where your alk is. Remember pH fluctuation is a pretty serious matter and it can affect your current critters and live rock growth....



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So this is what I was freaking about a while back, I wanted to know how to raise my pH before adding snails. My alk was sittin at 7 dkh with pH at 7.7 or 7.8. People suggested some kent marine super buffer. that would raise my pH and alk, for a day. so I said the hell with this then, Im gonna wait, tank is done cycling, ima add some snails, 7.8 pH aint horrible according to searches. so I put in 6 snails, they all doing great.


But when I put the proper pH in, my pH hasnt changed, and neither has my alk. pH 8.3, alk at 11 dkh. Im satisfied. So then my question is. B-ionic right now? Pseudo seems alright too, today it was out and about swimmin everywhere, lookin for more nooks.

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You need to keep all parameters in your reef ok regardless of what your keeping or not keeping. A tank with all good levels except for a low calcium isn't optimal. Because b-ionic is a 2 part system doesn't mean you have to add both. If you calcium is low add the calcium part and if your alk goes down add that. The recommended dose is just a base....not a set amount..each will require tuning to feed your tanks needs.



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So physh1 I got me some kent tech CB part A. my pH went down some, by some, I mean like 7.9/ 7.8. Should I add just the kent tech part A. Or should I put in the proper pH first to raise pH. Or will the CB do it for me?

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In case you decide to get B-Ionic, i got a good deal on it from marine depot along with mountain snow. Good prices on it.

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