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Ganopora Coral and zooplankton


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I just added a small piece of gonapora coral. It was just soo pretty. I read in a book that I have published 1997, that I need to add zooplankton for it to live any length of time, Is this true? And if so is adding zooplankton a fairly easy ordeal.

Thanks as always


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goniopora (flower pot coral)

yes will benefit from phytoplankton

this is not a good entry level coral for a newbie and since your tank has only been up for a month

search for as much info on this coral so that you will have a positive experience

they have a very poor chance of succes in captivity :(

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very difficult coral (it possible in the long-term at all).


i'd recommend to see if the lfs can take it back in exchange for something a little easier or just for credit. your tank still needs to settle in. (btw this would be a good indicator of the quality of the lfs)


get one of the coral books (e.g. sprung, borneman, or even axelrod's old 'sticky' book :x ) to see what you like and can handle at this stage. after building up experience with some of the easier ones you can gradually trade-in/move toward the difficult ones. hth

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