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Reef Additives Rules of Thumb


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I have a question....Just added some corals to my 1 month cycled tank. I purchased a starter additive kit from my LFS. The kit included calcium, Strontium&Molybdenum, and Iodine. I am running a ten gallon tank. There are no real instructions...The kit is from Kent Marine.....any suggestions about how to add these additives as a rule of thumb...

Thanks as always


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uummm. there are instructions. it says how much to dose, per how many gallons, and how often, just cut the dose according to your gallon size, maybe even a little less. go back to the lfs, get a test kit, do some searches here to find out Ideal water parameters. and with constant testing and monitoring, and recording your results, you can see if you need to cut back on your dosing, or up it.


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How do you know that you need to dose? Have you run tests for those substances yey? I do not recommend that you add anything to a tank unless you know that it is already deficient.

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just a little word of advice, dont dose Iodine till you get a test kit.


and many of these kits are useless if you are doing regular and frequent water changes and dont have many corals. try not to add stuff "for good measure"


I dont think you will need any of those additives for quite some time.

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My advice is to dose nothing but a 2 part ca/alk additive (after you get ca and alk tests). If you have no stonies, it will encourage corraline growth, and it is required if you do have stonies.


Everything else will get taken care of by changing out 1 gallon of water per week.

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Agree with everything that has been said.


I was actually very surprised to hear from others, here and on other forums, just how dangerous dosing iodine can be. The consensus seems to be that none of the iodine tests available are really all that accurate.


In my opinion, if you are doing regular water changes on such a small system, there shouldn't be any reason to dose iodine. Probably just a 2 part additive like B-ionic.


My $.02

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