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Coral Vue Hydros

Blane Perun //www.TheSea.org\


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I got a great order from Blane @ thesea.org

I orderd 6 frags of his fine quality ZOO's and got that plus some shrooms and extra ZOOs he threw in. Nice incadesent green ones. Blane called me twice along the way two. He called me yesterday to make sure I was satisfied that far... Then he called me again today, I missed em both times though :/

Anyways, Blanes packaging was really nice, everything was secure...and I must say these are some of the finest ive gotten yet....Ive only seen quality like this at one other place and you know who that is :)

I am VERY PLEASED with the service AND product!





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I've been attempting to place an order with Blane for the past three days (free shipping special), but I must regrettably say it's been a pretty damn painful process so far!


First, I sent the order on Wednesday...along with a list of alternatives. Blane responded later that night with an abbreviated order, because he was out of stock of a few things, new total due and the paypal address...but no mention of my substitute options.


I e-mailed him on Thursday morning asking if any of the substitutes were available...and he sent back a question mark. I replied immediately and referred him back to my original e-mail. I didn't hear back for a couple of hours, so I e-mailed him and asked him if he needed me to resend the original.


No response until Thursday evening, when I got an e-mail notifying me that two more of my order items were sold out. Still no mention of the alternatives!!! Now I'm getting a little frustrated.


I re-sent the original e-mail, with my alternatives highlighted in red. As of right now I haven't gotten a response. I don't know whether to paypal him or not at this point (or how much!), because the whole reason I wanted to order from thesea.org are those awesome zoos I've been drooling over for months, and of course those are what he's saying has sold out. (Website still says they're available, though, but I understand somewhat of a delay.)


I hope he gets back to me soon. I just don't know what to think right now, because I'm a little offended that he continues to sell my order out from underneath me, while not responding my questions about my substitutions. Argh!

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if a number is listed on the website, call him.


I have found that sometimes a phone call works so much better. Although I have had major luck with emails. My one order from blaine resulted in things not being available and I ended up just telling blaine to send me a real nice mix of colors (got many similar - my fault for not being more specific).


Blaine's a nice guy and he is real busy at times.

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Just left a message...


I'm dying to hear T?@7's response on polyp count. I asked Blane about plug size, and he said: "Some of the stuff will be on rocks, and the frags will sometimes break in shipping for you courtesy of fed ex".

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oht, sorry for the delay guys.

Lets see, I would say atelast 10+ polyps..... probably on average closer to 15.

NJ: Ive got his phone # if you cant find it on the site or whatever. I cant believe you are havin troubles, mine was super easy and he called me twice...


Crak: Mine werent on plugs, they were on small rocks, I had one unmounted small colony.. ..... are rocks considered plugs? derrrr


Overall im very happy with purchase. I think it all depends on when you catch Blane, busy or not busy. I think I caught him un-busy..

on a scale of 1-10, id give him an 8.

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T, when I got my order, I spoke with Blaine about his plugs (big ugly fuggers) and he said he was working on other options. Perhaps he scrapped the ones he was using and started using rocks. Good for him. Those big, heavy plugs were a ***** to mount. Worse than the plastic screw plugs.

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I have a post over on ReefCentral that talks about Blane's operations. It's grown quite large over there. The bottom line is he is close to pulling the trigger on a shopping cart implementation. He is getting several thousand hits a day and he got swamped unexpectedly with sales from the get-go (which is a good problem to have of course but you have to fix it fast before it winds up biting you in the butt).


He is improving other aspects of his site/operation as well. My guess is six months from now he will have quite a polished on-line coral business.

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Crak: Yeah all mine were on rocks. I have never gotten any plugs, and im glad. They look ugly and im sure are hard to mount...


jd: That will make him one of the top vendors IMHO when he gets a cart going. He will then oficially be part of the elite (logical, palmetto....etc). Thats the one thing hes missing right now.

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Yeah, I think I got him when 'busy'. I left a message on his answering machine a few hours ago, but haven't heard back.


I'm gettin' antsy...I'm afraid if I don't send him some portion of payment that more of my order will disappear. ::chewing and spitting fingernails:: I can't take this farkin suspense!!!


This hobby will be the death of me (and my savings account) yet...

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