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Coral Vue Hydros

Damsel died


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My damsel died yesterday while I was gone. Had to leave town for a few days and when I came back he was stuck to where my powerhead sucks in the water. :( The pet store owner won't give me my money back for him either. Is there a better fish to have?

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crichard: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...&threadid=18831


17 days. OK, Frank...you did mention before that you were instructed by the LFS to use the damsels to cycle. Should have asked him what that means, as it was typical in the past to pop a few damsels in the tank in order for them to begin producing waste to start a cycle, or even to die and start the cycle, which is the case, and not necessarily a terrible thing. How many more damsels are left?


Better fish to have? Right now the popular "Test kit Fish". I'd get a handle on your tank parameters before adding another fish.

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  • 3 weeks later...

yah, there is a better fish to have. but first, you need to empty your tank and give it to someone else. then that "other" person can put some fish in the tank




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sorry to hear the bad news

make sure you have some type of prefilter or screen on the powerhead second make sure there is nothing terribly off with the parameters

damsels are like the terminator real survivors since your tank has only been up about 2 weeks wait 2 more weeks do a water change and get your water checked it should be okay and get yourself another damsel they are awsome fish for a nano just they can be super mean and territorial so i would recomend only 1 to a tank and no other fish?

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Originally posted by caja

JL, why are you pulling up these dead threads...look at the dates dude. The guy hasn't been around in 2 weeks.


I saw it doing a search and thought I would add my own remarks sicne I had not seen it before

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