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Coral Vue Hydros

two fish in an eclipse 6?


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would this be too much? i had thought so, but i've seen people here do it on small tanks.


eclipse 6, 8-9lbs of LR, 2" LS, 2x13w PC, AC mini, AC 101 PH, few zoos and mushrooms, a zebra hermit, 2 turbos, an emerald(somewhere, haven't seen him since acclamation), and a tank raised percula. i've been looking closely and he *might* be a false perc. the high back top fin is what makes me wonder.


what would be a good fish, if any? i plan on adding a shrimp soon as well. I thought watchman goby and pistol, but there is not much open sand area around the LR.


any suggestions on something that would contrast well?

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While it's recommended you keep only one fish in there it is possible to keep two. You will defianately be increasing your bioload by doing this and will have to be dilligent with the water testing and the water changes.


I would go for a small fish such as a neon goby or red headed goby. They stay relatively tiny.

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I dont know who works this stuff out... I mentioned putting one clown in a 10 gallon on another popular message board and they yelled at me. They said I could possibly get away with a 20 Long but a 30 would be ideal. Gimme a break. I want to treat my animals as well as I can, but theres a fine line between humane/insanity.

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clowns are fat pigs that poop everywhere.


goby's are going to have alot less load on your system than a clown.


i bet you could shoehorn a small goby, and small fish, like firefish, gramma and be ok if you keep your water changes up.


i would do 2 fish and not have one of them be bottom dwellers, aka goby.

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I dont know who works this stuff out... I mentioned putting one clown in a 10 gallon on another popular message board and they yelled at me. They said I could possibly get away with a 20 Long but a 30 would be ideal. Gimme a break. I want to treat my animals as well as I can, but theres a fine line between humane/insanity.



You have to work out yourself what you think will work.

Of course you could put on clown in a ten, god i have 2 in my 7 as well as a blenny!


I should say though, it does depend on what type of clownfish...

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thanks for the opionons guys. the clown has been happy and fine for ~6 months now. I've been monitoring my nitrates, and they are still under 10, after about 3 months. I went ahead and changed about 20% of the water last night since i had to do a water change on the 120gal tank downstairs(talk about a job).


anyway, back on topic, i was thinking of having some kind of goby. something that will swim near the bottom since the clown stays up top, and something that will get along with the clown well. I thought false percs stay small, but if he gets big and/or presents a problem with the bioload, i can drop him into the 120.


keep the posts coming.

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my 2nd SW tank was a E6 with two clowns and they were more than fine. (no LR, cc substrate, and no wc's X) now this was when i didn't know schlitz from shinola). :blush:


i think two clowns are fine. the bio-wheel gives you a LOT of leeway. if you don't plan on inverts and corals then you should be fine. you could probably even go with an addt'l low-bioload fish like the others suggest. that other forum probably is not used to tiny systems like we are. hth

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i ripped out the biowheel filter that's included and am currently using an AC mini, LR and a small powerhead for my filtration.


Are you saying that the Eclipse 6, in stock form, is capable of keeping two false perculas in if it's Fish Only? What kind of decorations or items for hiding places would you use?

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for fish-only the bio-wheel is excellent imo, contrary to popular thought. it's just that most people here migrate to reefs eventually and in that situation the wheel is not optimal.


if you stay FO and might be a bit careless/lazy in maintenance ::cough:: :blush: then i would put the wheel back in. i thought you were leaning to adding more fish and away from invert/reef, thus the wheel suggestion, sorry.


but if you're very conscientious about monitoring conditions and want a little more than FO (e.g. FOWLR or some hardy inverts) then just keep what you have now and do wc's.


LR is the best deco imo as it best emulates the natural surroundings but you could go wild and even setup a lego set display as the tank setting if you want innocent.jpg. 'nemo meets the little mermaid' :woot:


it's all up to you. ;) hth

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Oops, sorry for the confusion, i would not trade LR for any kind of biological filtration. I'm keeping my tank the way it is. I'm just asking if I can go buy another eclipse 6 and keep it FO with two false percs. I was kinda thinking of it as a gift idea.


Also I have a 30 gal oceanic cube sitting around, along with a HOT mangnum 250, both brand new, but i can't afford to set it up FOWLR right now, was gonna wait but reading this makes me consider FO with a biowheel and then slowly add LR to it. I was thinking about making it into a clown display, or even trying to breed some.

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